Arts + Architecture

Memo Date Course/Program
October 28, 2016 The request to create a concentration in Composition within Bachelor of Music
October 28, 2016 The request to create a concentration in Jazz within Bachelor of Music
October 14, 2016 The request to revise multiple MUSC courses
October 14, 2016 The request to revise the B.A. in Music
October 14, 2016 The request to revise Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Choral/General Music Education
October 14, 2016 The request to revise Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Instrumental/General Music Education
October 14, 2016 The request to create MUSC 3252
September 2, 2016 The request to revise B.M. in Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration
September 2, 2016 The request to revise B.M. in Music, Vocal Performance Concentration
September 2, 2016 The request to create MUPF 1125, 1143, and 1144
September 2, 2016 The request to change concentration codes for Music Education Concentrations
July 22, 2016 The request to revise DANC 1201
July 22, 2016 The request to revise DANC 2125 and the Majors and Minor in Dance
July 22, 2016 The request to revise DANC 4467
July 22, 2016 The request to add "W" to DANC 3221 and revise Major and Minor in Dance
July 22, 2016 The request to inactivate DANC 2251
July 22, 2016 The request to revise DANC 2016 and 2216 and make elective DANC 2016 required
July 22, 2016 The request to create DANC 1108
July 22, 2016 The request to inactivate DANC 4227L and 4257L
May 24, 2016 The request to create ARTH 2614
May 24, 2016 The request to revise B.A. in Art History and ARTH 4609
May 16, 2016 The request to revise the Master of Architecture, Master of Architecture II, and Master of Architecture III
April 29, 2016 The request to revise ARTE 2121
April 29, 2016 The request to revise B.F.A. in Photography Studio Concentration
April 29, 2016 The request to revise all Undergraduate Art & Art History Majors
March 25, 2016 The request to revise dual M.ARCH/M.U.D. degree
February 29, 2016 The request to revise BFA in Art, Studio Concentration, Photography
February 29, 2016 The request to create ARTT 3390
February 29, 2016 The request to revise BFA in Art, Studio Concentration, Digital Media
February 29, 2016 The request to revise ARTT 3190, 3191, 3195, and 3391
February 29, 2016 The request to revise ARTH 3114 and ARTH 3115
February 29, 2016 The request to make inactive ARTH 2190 and ARTH 3394
February 3, 2016 The request to create ARTH 4602
November 18, 2015 The request to revise admissions requirements to Master of Architecture degree
September 18, 2015 The request to create ARTZ 3306
September 8, 2015 The request to revise MUSC 2290, 4294, and 4296
May 14, 2015 The request to revise ARCH courses, BA in Architecture, and Bachelor of Architecture
May 1, 2015 The request to create ARCH 4607 and revise BA in Architecture and Bachelor of Architecture
April 24, 2015 The request to create ARTM 3102
April 24, 2015 The request to revise ARCH 5301, 5302, 5605, and Master of Architecture I and II
April 21, 2015 The request to create ARTZ 2306 and make a course option for BA in Art
April 21, 2015 The request to create THEA 2130 and 2131 and revise BA and Minor in Theatre
April 21, 2015 The request to revise BA in Theatre and THEA 1100
April 21, 2015 The request to create THEA 1240, 1240L, 1260, 1260L, and revise BA in Theatre, Minor in Theatre, and THEA courses
April 21, 2015 The request to create MUSC 1232 and 2232
April 21, 2015 The request to renumber four MUSC courses and revise twelve MUSC courses
April 21, 2015 The request to create ARTT 3193
April 21, 2015 The request to create ARTH 2121
April 21, 2015 The request to create ARTH 3328
April 21, 2015 The request to create ARTH 3395
April 21, 2015 The request to revise ARTR 2161, 2162, and 3162
February 12, 2015 The request to revise Dance catalog description, BA in Dance, and Certificate in Dance
February 2, 2015 The request to revise MUSC 1223, 1225, 1227, 1229, 2222, MUPF 1117, MUED 4194 and 4194L
September 24, 2014 The request to revise Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy and three MUSC courses
September 15, 2014 The request to revise nine DANC courses
April 16, 2014 The request to create MUSC 1236
April 16, 2014 The request to create MUSC 4153
April 16, 2014 The request to add prerequisite to all Honors project/thesis courses
April 16, 2014 The request to revise the Minor in Dance
February 19, 2014 The request to revise DANC 4110
February 19, 2014 The request to revise DANC 4467
January 27, 2014 The request to revise Master of Architecture I curriculum
January 27, 2014 The request to revise Master of Architecture II curriculum
January 27, 2014 The request to revise Master of Urban Design curriculum
January 27, 2014 The request to revise Dual Master of Architecture and Master of Urban Design curriculum
January 27, 2014 The request to revise Dual Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Computer Science or Information Technology curriculum
January 27, 2014 The request to revise ARCH graduate courses
January 17, 2014 The request to revise degree titles of B.A. in Dance and B.A. in Dance Education
January 7, 2014 The request to create MUPF 1118
January 7, 2014 The request to create DANC 1201 and revise DANC 1280
December 19, 2013 The request to establish a new Concentration in Art Education for the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art
December 12, 2013 The request to revise Master of Urban Design curriculum and revise MUDD 6050, 6204, and 6205
December 12, 2013 The request to revise curriculum for Dual Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Computer Science or Information Technology
December 4, 2013 The request to revise ARTL 2186, ARTL 3086, and ARTA 3201
December 2, 2013 The request to revise degree title of B.A. in Theatre Education
December 2, 2013 The request to revise degree titles of B.M. in Music Education and B.M. in Music Performance
December 2, 2013 The request to create ARTH 2003
December 2, 2013 The request to revise ARTP 4932
November 21, 2013 The request to revise courses ARTM 2105, 3005, 3101, 3103, 3105, 3205, and 3405
April 17, 2013 The request to establish a Dual Degree in Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Computer Science or Information Technology
February 13, 2013 The request to revise the program requirements of the B.M. in Music Education, B.M. in Music Performance, and B.A. in Music
February 13, 2013 The request to create MUPF 1199
February 13, 2013 The request to revise MUSC 2151 and MUSC 4235
February 13, 2013 The request to remove MUSC 1237 from one track of the B.M. in Music Education and one track of the B.M. in Music Performance
February 13, 2013 The request to create MUSC 4090 and MUSC 4094
February 13, 2013 The request to create MUSC 4037 and revise MUSC 4132, 4133, 4134, 4135, 4136, 4137 & 4138
February 13, 2013 The request to revise courses ARTH 3114 and ARTH 3115
February 13, 2013 The request to revise ARTH 4601, 4603, 4605, and 4609
February 13, 2013 The request to revise the catalog copy of the B.M. in Music Education, B.M. in Performance, and B.A. in Music
February 1, 2013 The request to create MUPF 6400
January 25, 2013 The request to change course number ARCH 4112 to ARCH 4206
January 23, 2013 The request to establish a research track to the Master of Architecture
December 10, 2012 The request to revise ARTF 3352, 3353, 3354, and 3355
December 10, 2012 The request to revise ARTR 2161 and ARTR 3162
December 10, 2012 The request to revise MUDD 7101 by renumbering to MUDD 7102 and 7103
June 6, 2012 Revisions to ARCH 7101 and ARCH 7102
May 23, 2012 Revisions to MUSC 1300 and MUSC 3300; deletion of all MUSC masterclasses
May 10, 2012 Adding a "W" to MUSC 4294
May 10, 2012 Adding an "O" to MUSC 4296
May 10, 2012 Adding a "W" to MUSC 2290
May 7, 2012 Curriculum Revisions to Master of Architecture/Master of Urban Design Dual Degree
February 7, 2012 The request to replace ARTR 2161 and 3162 with ARTZ 2104 and 3104 for BFA Fiber concentration requirements
February 7, 2012 The request to revise the Dance Minor requirements
February 7, 2012 The requests to revise ARTP 4931 and ARTC 3273 Ceramics 3 prerequisites
December 16, 2011 The request to establish MUSC 5153, 6453 and 6600; and MUPF 6120, 6120L, 6253 and 6253L
November 16, 2011 The request to change the B.M. in Music Performance Degree
November 16, 2011 The request to establish MUSC 1403
October 3, 2011 The request to designate THEA 1201 as a “SL” course
August 17, 2011 The request to change the times of offering for ARTT 3391 and 4291
August 17, 2011 The request to revise the Art & Art History curriculum
July 6, 2011 The request to revise the School of Architecture graduate curriculum
June 23, 2011 The request to establish a Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy
May 20, 2011 The request to establish MUPF 3440-3466 and MUPF 4440-4466
May 20, 2011 The request to revise the School of Architecture undergraduate curriculum
May 19, 2011 The request to establish an Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz
May 17, 2011 The request to revise the MArch degree program graduate catalog
May 17, 2011 The request to change MUED 5137 to MUSC 5137
May 13, 2011 The request to make editorial changes to MUPF 1112, 1112L and 1113
May 13, 2011 The request to establish MUSC 4800 and revise MUSC 4900
May 13, 2011 The request to revise the undergraduate Music curriculum to require C or better for all Music courses
May 13, 2011 The request to establish MUPF 3400 and 4400
May 13, 2011 The request to establish DANC 2251
May 13, 2011 The request to make editorial changes to MUPF 1040-1059, MUPF 1240-1259, and MUPF 3240-3259
May 13, 2011 The request to revise the B.A. in Music Degree
April 26, 2011 The request to revise THEA 5410 (THEA 5460)
April 26, 2011 The request to revise DANC 3100
April 26, 2011 The request to revise MUED 4190L, MUPF 1245, MUPF 3245, MUSC 2260, and MUSC 3135
April 26, 2011 MUPF Concentrations
April 26, 2011 The request to revise MUSC 2151
April 25, 2011 The request to establish DANC 2016
April 25, 2011 The request to edit catalog copy for DANC 2228, 4227, 4222L, 4257, 4257L and 4467
April 25, 2011 The request to establish DANC 2251
April 25, 2011 The request to establish DANC 2251
April 6, 2011 The request to establish MUSC 2400, 4049, 4149 and 4241
March 14, 2011 The request to revise the BA in Art major requirements
March 14, 2011 The request to revise the Art and Art History undergraduate catalog
February 3, 2011 The request to revise THEA 5410 (THEA 5460)
November 5, 2010 The request to revise course descriptions for 107 ART classes
October 19, 2010 The request to establish THEA 2141(W)
October 1, 2010 The request to establish DANC 2251
October 1, 2010 The request to revise THEA 4600 and establish THEA 3600
October 1, 2010 The request to delete THEA 1200, 2207, 2240, 2240L, 2260, 2260L, 3135, 3241, 4001, 4210, and 4270
October 1, 2010 The request to revise THEA 1600
October 1, 2010 The request to revise several Theatre courses and establish THEA 4202, 4203, and 4203
October 1, 2010 The request to revise the B.A. degree in Theatre, B.A. degree in Theatre Education and Minor in Theatre
October 1, 2010 The request to establish THEA 1140, 1201, 1202, 2200, 3203, 3205, 3206, 4205, 4231, 4234, 4235, 4236, 4670
September 29, 2010 The request to add a prerequisite to ARTC 2171
August 4, 2010 The request to change the B.A. in Music degree
August 4, 2010 The request to clarify the concentrations within the Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Music Education curriculum
August 4, 2010 The request to establish MUSC 3300, 2290, 4294, 4296, and 3410 (Music Internship)
August 4, 2010 The request to change the Core Music Curriculum
August 4, 2010 The request to establish two concentrations within the Bachelor in Music (B.M.) in Music Performance curriculum
August 4, 2010 The request to make editorial changes to MUPF 1049-1052, MUPF 1249-1252, MUSC 1000, 1300, 2235, 2236, 3151, and 4145
May 26, 2010 Request to delete DANC 1211 and revise DANC 2216 catalog copy
May 21, 2010 Request to revise Art Education minor
May 11, 2010 Request to establish a new Graduate Certificate Program in Violin
March 3, 2010 Request to delete ARTH 2113 and change time of offering of ARTH 3319
February 12, 2010 Request to establish DANC 3229: Contact Improvisation
February 10, 2010 Request to establish DANC 2403: Dancing for Choreographers
February 4, 2010 Request to establish DANC 3227 Ballet Pedagogy
February 3, 2010 Request to establish AAHP 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, and 3900
January 26, 2010 Request to delete ARTT 3193 and ARTT 4191
November 3, 2009 Request to revise catalog copy for ARTP 3161, 4931, and 4933
November 3, 2009 Request to delete ARTD 3135 and ARTT 3392 from the catalog
November 3, 2009 Request to establish DANC 2401
November 3, 2009 Request to add a prerequisite to ARTG 2180
October 30, 2009 Request to establish MUPF 1136 and MUPF 1168
October 30, 2009 Request to revise catalog copy for the Department of Music courses
July 1, 2009 Request to revise Music Education Curriculum
July 1, 2009 Request to change course numbers and sequence of the dance techniquesequence in modern dance numbers
June 12, 2009 Request to revise course numbers and add new courses in the dance technique sequence in ballet
June 5, 2009 Request to renumber former topics courses (DANC 4001) to permanent numbers
June 5, 2009 Request to establish AAHP 2600