University College, Honors College, & The Graduate School

Memo Date Course/Program
April 11, 2017 The request to revise the General Education Program
February 11, 2016 The request to create GRAD 6011/8011
February 11, 2016 The request to create STAT/DSBA 5110 and STAT/DSBA 6115
February 4, 2016 The request to add the WE grade type for graduate students
February 4, 2016 The request to revise admissions requirements of Data Science and Business Analytics P.S.M.
November 3, 2015 The request to revise Computer Engineering Program and add new courses
November 3, 2015 The request to revise Electrical Engineering Program and add new courses
September 30, 2015 The request to revise FLED 4469 by adding "O" designation
September 28, 2015 The request to establish an Honors Capstone in Engineering
September 8, 2015 The request to revise and renumber SPAN 4400 to SPAN 4700 (W)
September 8, 2015 The request to revise and renumber SPAN 4400 to SPAN 4700 (W)
September 8, 2015 The request to create JAPN 3170 (W)
May 7, 2015 The request to create GRAD 6020 and 8020
April 21, 2015 The request to create MATH 1340 and 1341 and offer as General Education mathematical and logical reasoning option
February 18, 2015 The request to create PHYS 1100
February 18, 2015 The request to create PHYS 1100L
October 31, 2014 The request to revise HONR 3700
October 31, 2014 The request to revise the Business Honors Program
October 30, 2014 The request to create HONR 1710
October 30, 2014 The request to create HONR 1711
October 30, 2014 The request to create HONR 2710
October 21, 2014 The request to offer GEOG 1103 as a General Education natural science option
August 25, 2014 The request to revise TWCI 3000
June 30, 2014 The request to revise GRAD 8002/6002
May 6, 2014 The request to add an Honors section to ITCS 4991
May 6, 2014 The request to renumber HONR 1100 to HONR 1700
May 6, 2014 The request to revise the University Honors Program requirements
April 18, 2014 The request to create the HPEX designation for health professions exploration
April 16, 2014 The request to add prerequisite to all Honors project/thesis courses
December 12, 2013 The request to revise the grading options for 8000 level GRAD courses
December 12, 2013 The request to revise and renumber UCOL 3050
December 12, 2013 The request to create UCOL 3400
December 12, 2013 The request to create CJUS 4700
December 2, 2013 The request to create GRAD 6010/8010
October 17, 2013 The request to add ECON 2102 as a Social Science option for General Education
October 17, 2013 The request to revise HONR 1100 and University Honors Program requirements
October 17, 2013 The request to revise GRAD 7999 and GRAD 9999 by adding registration controls
June 12, 2013 The request to create placeholder TWCI 3000
June 11, 2013 The request to establish a Bachelors-Masters Program
June 5, 2013 The request to create HCIP 5370, 5375, 5376, and 6380 as regular course offerings
April 3, 2013 The request to revise Health Informatics Graduate Catalog
December 10, 2012 The request to make GRAD 6001 letter-graded and GRAD 8001 Pass/Unsatisfactory
October 31, 2012 The request to change GRAD 6001/8001 to pass/fail grading
October 25, 2012 The request to create GRAD 8002/6002
October 4, 2012 Revise UCOL 1300
June 15, 2012 Replace all 7999 and 9999 courses with GRAD 7999 and GRAD 9999
May 4, 2012 Establish GRAD 7999 and GRAD 9999
April 19, 2012 Remove "W" to LBST 2102H Global Connections
April 16, 2012 The request to change course number and title of HONR 3790 (to 3791) and designate it as (W)
April 16, 2012 The request to change the title, description, and credit hours for HONR 3790
April 3, 2012 The request to establish a Fifth Year Program
October 3, 2011 The request to designate LBST 2215 (Psychology and Crossroads Themed sections) as a “SL” course
October 3, 2011 The request to designate LBST 2215 (Middle, Secondary, and K-12 sections) as a “SL” course
June 30, 2011 The request to establish UCOL 3401
April 26, 2011 The request to edit catalog copy regarding W requirements for transfer students with an AA degree
March 16, 2011 The request to designate "Project Management" (SEGR 3111) as a Writing Intensive and Oral Communication course
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Honors Thesis II" (PSYC 4691) as Writing Intensive
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Building Fire Safety" (ETFS 3113) as Writing Intensive
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Fundamentals of Hydrogeology" (GEOL 4145) as Writing Intensive
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Afro-Latin American History" (AFRS 3270/LTAM 3720/HIST 3181) as Writing Intensive
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Systems Design Project I &II" (SEGR 3290 & 3291) as Writing Intensive and Oral Communication courses
March 15, 2011 The request to designate "Special Education Assessment" (SPED 3173) as Writing Intensive
January 21, 2011 The request to edit the catalog copy for LBST 1101
November 24, 2010 The request to establish GRAD 6001/8001
October 19, 2010 The request to revise UCOL 1300 and establish UCOL 1305
May 24, 2010 Request to approve ITIS 1350 and ITIS 1350L to meet the General Education science requirements
May 12, 2010 Request to establish UCOL 1001 and UCOL 1206, and change UCOL 1205
May 11, 2010 Request to establish GRAD 8990, "Academic Integrity Training"
October 7, 2009 Request to revise UCOL courses
June 5, 2009 Request to revise the course description for HTAS 2100
April 6, 2009 Request to add "May NOT be repeated for credit" to all LBST courses
August 25, 2008 Request for credit hour change for UCOL 3050
May 8, 2008 Request to revise UCOL courses and establish 2 new courses (UCOL 1205 and UCOL 2200)
January 11, 2008 Request to establish UCOL 1000, 1010, 1011, 1200, 1210, 1211, 2000, 3050, & 3800; and delete ARSC 1000, 1101, and 2000