Request to establish UCOL 1000, 1010, 1011, 1200, 1210, 1211, 2000, 3050, & 3800; and delete ARSC 1000, 1101, and 2000

Date: January 11, 2008
To: University College
From: Julie Putnam, Secretary to Faculty Governance
Approved On: January 9, 2008
Implementation Date: 2008

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

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ARSC 1000 Freshman Seminar

ARSC 1101 Advantage: Connecting with College

ARSC 2000 University Learning Seminar

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UCOL 1000. College Transition for Freshmen. (1-3) Designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition from high school to college by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 1010. College Transition for Transfers. (3) (W) Designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition to UNC Charlotte for transfer students by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 1011. College Transition for Transfers. (3) (O) Designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition to UNC Charlotte for transfer students by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 1200. Freshman Seminar. (3) A seminar-style learning experience focused around a particular theme that is designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition from high school to college by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 1210. Transfer Seminar. (3) (W) A seminar-style learning experience focused around a particular theme that is designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition from high school to college by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 1211. Transfer Seminar. (3) (O) A seminar-style learning experience focused around a particular theme that is designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition from high school to college by developing positive attitudes toward learning and increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life of the campus; providing an orientation to resources available to students; and promoting problem solving and writing skills. Students who have previously taken any UCOL 1000-level class may not receive credit for this course. (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 2000. Topics in General Education. (3) Prerequisites: sophomore standing and permission of the sponsoring department. Topics chosen from the fields covered by general education in order to demonstrate relationships and interdisciplinary influences. May be repeated for credit as topics vary with permission of the student�s major Department. Can be used toward general degree requirements as indicated each time the course is offered. (On demand)

UCOL 3050. Teaching Internship. (3) Prerequisite: junior standing and permission of the sponsoring unit and supervising instructor. Students enrolled in the internship will have a structured opportunity to develop teaching-related skills by providing assistance to faculty teaching introductory courses. Duties will vary depending upon the assignment but may include: conducting review sessions, facilitating study skills sessions, lecturing, assisting faculty member with exams. May be repeated for credit up to six hours. (Honors/Pass/No credit) (Fall, Spring)

UCOL 3800. Independent Study. (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and Dean of University College. Individual research, research, or filed-based experience in a topic under the supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit with permission. (On demand)