Revision to M.A. in Counseling

Date: April 9, 2012
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: March 15, 2012
Implementation Date: 2012

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Core Courses for All Students (33 30 credits)

CHFD 6102 Learning and Development (3)

RSCH 6101 Educational Research Methods (3)

RSCH 6109 Assessment and Evaluation Methods (3)

CSLG 6100 Counseling Theories (3)

CSLG 6101 Ethics in Counseling (3)

CSLG 6110 Counseling Techniques (3)

CSLG 6111 Advanced Techniques (3)

CSLG 6120 Group Counseling (3)

CSLG 6145 Multicultural Counseling (3)

CSLG 6150 Career Development and Counseling (3)

School Specializations Courses ( 27 Credits)

Required School Counseling Courses (9 credits)

CSLG 7141 The Professional School Counselor (3)

CSLG 7646 Advocacy and Leadership in Professional School Counseling (3)

SPED 7150 School Counseling and Children with Special Needs

Clinical Experiences (School Setting) (9 credits)

CSLG 7430 Practicum in Counseling (150 hrs)

CSLG 7435 Internship I (300 hrs)

CSLG 7436 Internship II (300 hrs)

Elective Courses (9 12 hours credits)

These courses must be approved by the student’s advisor.

Community Specialization Courses (27 credits)

Required (6 credits Clinical Mental Health Courses (9 credits)

CSLG 7170 Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3)

CSLG 6153 Diagnosis and Treatment in Counseling (3)

One Substance Abuse Courses listed below:

CSLG 6160 Theories of Chemical Dependency

CLSG 6161 Chemical Dependency: Assessment and Diagnosis

CSLG 6162 Chemical Dependency: Counseling Individuals, Families, and Groups

CSLG 6163 Chemical Dependency: Treatment Planning and Relapse Prevention

Clinical Experiences (Community SettingClinical Mental Health Setting) (129 credits)

CSLG 7430 Practicum in Counseling (150 hrs)

CSLG 7435 Internship I (300 hrs)

CSLG 7436 Internship II (300 hrs

Elective Courses (12 hours)

These courses must be approved by the student’s advisor.

Required Addiction Courses (12 credits)

CSLG 6160 Theories of Chemical Dependency

CLSG 6161 Chemical Dependency: Assessment and Diagnosis

CSLG 6162 Chemical Dependency: Counseling Individuals, Families, and Groups

CSLG 6163 Chemical Dependency: Treatment Planning and Relapse Prevention

Clinical Experiences (Addiction Setting) (9 credits)

CSLG 7430 Practicum in Counseling (150 hrs)

CSLG 7435 Internship I (300 hrs)

CSLG 7436 Internship II (300 hrs)

Elective Courses (9 credits)

These courses must be approved by the student’s advisor