The request to revise titles of six MKTG courses
Date: July 22, 2016
To: Belk College of Business
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: July 12, 2016
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Spring 2017
Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.
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MKTG 3223 – Creativity and Innovation in Marketing Creativity, Design Thinking and Innovation
Credit Hours: (3) In an increasingly competitive global environment, successful marketing organizations have embraced creativity and innovation to enhance strategic adaptability. Continuously developing new products, services, business models and strategies enhances competitive advantage. This course begins with creativity as the starting point for innovation, exploring ways to enhance individual, team and organizational creativity as it pertains to marketing decisions and strategies. Students engage in exercises and a project that concretize the creativity and innovation process in marketing activities.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
MKTG 3224 – Branding and Product Strategy Brand Innovation and New Product Strategy
Credit Hours: (3) Emphasis on branding, brand management, and brand equity. Covers measurement of brand equity sources and outcomes. Particular focus on designing brand strategies, introducing and naming new products and extensions, and the new product development process.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
MKTG 3225 – Advertising and Promotions Integrated Marketing Communications
Credit Hours: (3) Covers all areas of marketing promotion, including such topics as advertising, media selection, packaging and sales promotion. Offers basic skills and techniques to allow the student to enter careers in advertising or media.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
MKTG 3227 – Retailing and Logistics Management Omni-Channel Retail Strategy and Logistics
Credit Hours: (3) Examination of the professional management of retail institutions and logistics from the perspective of a professional manager and an entrepreneur. In terms of retailing content, includes a topical analysis of the retail mix; trade and site analysis; merchandise selection and display; services; store layout; promotional, pricing, and financial policies. In terms of logistics content, includes ways to plan and manage supply chains, transportation, and distribution of goods and services.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
MKTG 3230 – Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing and Analytics
Credit Hours: (3) Emphasis on using social media for marketing purposes. Particular focus on key performance indicators, campaign creation, social marketing program optimization, and web analytics related to social media.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
MKTG 3231 – Global Marketing Management Global Marketing and Innovation Strategy
Credit Hours: (3) Emphasis on the assessment of global market opportunities, development of global market strategies, and implementation of global market plans. Topics include: the examination of cultural, social, legal, political, financial, and geographical environments. The marketing mix elements are studied in the global environment.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3110 with grade of C or above.
Marketing, Marketing Concentration, B.S.B.A.
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Additional Admission RequirementsTo be accepted into this major and to progress into the upper-division of the College, a student must meet the Progression Requirements in the PRE-ACCOUNTING, PRE-BUSINESS, and PRE-ECONOMICS section. This major requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must complete the General Education Requirements of the University and the Progression, Core, and Major Requirements of the Belk College of Business. Degree RequirementsThe following courses are required. Students may attempt each of these courses two times. General Education Courses (37-43 credit hours)For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program. Business Core Courses (27 credit hours)
Major Courses (3 credit hours)Restricted Elective Courses (15 credit hours)Select 5 of the following:
Optional Supporting CoursesThe following courses are optional, and offered to support students in the Marketing major with a Concentration in Marketing. Unrestricted Elective CoursesAs needed. Degree Total = 120 Credit HoursGrade RequirementsTo obtain this degree, students must meet the University requirements of a GPA of at least 2.0 overall and in the courses for the major. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Progression, Core, and Major Courses. When students repeat a course, both the old and new grades are included in the major and overall GPA. Courses repeated under the Grade Replacement Policy are excluded from the major and overall GPA computation. However, this repeated course does count as an attempt. Students must also meet the Belk College of Business residency requirements listed under the “Degree Requirements” heading on the main College of Business page. Honors ProgramFor details about the Business Honors Program, visit the program page. InternshipBecause the Department of Marketing is committed to experiential learning, it provides for Marketing majors to use one internship for academic credit. A proposal must be submitted and approved by the Assistant Director of the Student Center for Professional Development prior to starting the internship. A minimum of MKTG 3110 with a C or above, an overall GPA of at least 2.5, and completion of at least two Marketing Electives are required. The student may not have a current or prior work history with the internship company. Suggested CurriculumFor the suggested course sequence toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at Consultation with an advisor is required. |
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Marketing, Marketing Analytics Concentration, B.S.B.A.
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Additional Admission RequirementsTo be accepted into this major and to progress into the upper-division of the College, a student must meet the Progression Requirements in the PRE-ACCOUNTING, PRE-BUSINESS, and PRE-ECONOMICS section. This major requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must complete the General Education Requirements of the University and the Progression, Core, and Major Requirements of the Belk College of Business. Degree RequirementsThe following courses are required. Students may attempt each of these courses two times. General Education Courses (37-43 credit hours)For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program. Core Courses (27 credit hours)
Major Courses (12 credit hours)Select one of the following: Marketing Analytics CoursesSelect three of the following:
Restricted Elective Courses (6 credit hours)Select two of the following:
Optional Supporting CoursesThe following courses are optional, and offered to support students in the Marketing major with a Concentration in Marketing Analytics. Unrestricted Elective CoursesAs needed. Degree Total = 120 Credit HoursGrade RequirementsTo obtain this degree, students must meet the University requirements of a GPA of at least 2.0 overall and in the courses for the major. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Progression, Core, and Major Courses. When students repeat a course, both the old and new grades are included in the major and overall GPA. Courses repeated under the Grade Replacement Policy are excluded from the major and overall GPA computation. However, this repeated course does count as an attempt. Students must also meet the Belk College of Business residency requirements listed under the “Degree Requirements” heading on the main College of Business page. Honors ProgramFor details about the Business Honors Program, visit the program page. InternshipBecause the Department of Marketing is committed to experiential learning, it provides for Marketing majors to use one internship for academic credit. A proposal must be submitted and approved by the Assistant Director of the Student Center for Professional Development prior to starting the internship. A minimum of MKTG 3110 with a C or above, an overall GPA of at least 2.5, and completion of at least two Marketing Electives are required. The student may not have a current or prior work history with the internship company. Suggested CurriculumFor the suggested course sequence toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at Consultation with an advisor is required. |
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