The request to revise SPED 5100

Date: January 2, 2014
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: November 25, 2013
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2014

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

SPED 5100. Introduction to Special Education. (3) Prerequisite: Admission toTeacher Education. Examines legislation and litigation that governs and/or influences services for individuals with disabilities. Scrutinizes the IEP process and investigates IEP objectives that reflect the general curriculum standards. Examines one’s personal philosophy of education, which reflects the diversity of students with disabilities. Identifies services, networks, organizations, and publications that serve or are relevant to individuals with disabilities. Identifies and critiques instructional implications of published research. (Fall, Spring, Summer)