Request to revise the Special Education General Curriculum Initial License Program

Date: May 27, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: May 10, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

SPED 4276. Teaching Reading to Middle and Secondary Learners with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admittance to Teacher Education, SPED 3100, SPED 3173, SPED 3175, SPED 4275. This course will provide effective remedial and intervention strategies for addressing the needs of middle and secondary students with disabilities and diverse learning needs. Assessment and application of instructional strategies are included in the course. A 6-hour field experience is a required component.

SPED 4279. Content-Area Instruction for Students with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admittance to Teacher Education, SPED 3100, SPED 3173, SPED 3175. This course will provide strategies for collaborative instruction, instructionally relevant use of computer-based technology, and strategic instruction to improve access of students with disabilities in the general curriculum with an emphasis on content-area instruction at the middle and secondary levels: English, science, social studies, and mathematics. Application of instructional strategies are included in the course. A semester long 10-hour field experience is a required component. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 4280. Multiple Disabilities. (3) Prerequisites: Admittance to Teacher Education, SPED 3100, SPED 3173, SPED 3175, SPED 4721. This course will describe various secondary disabling conditions that sometimes occur in conjunction with intellectual disability such as physical disabilities, sensory disabilities, and other health impairments. Assessment, instructional methods and procedures, and collaborative service delivery with related services personnel are studied. Clinical field experience hours required. (Spring)

SPED 4316. Transition Planning and Service Delivery. (3) Prerequisites: Admittance to Teacher Education, SPED 3100, SPED 3173, SPED 3175, SPED 4721. Methods and produces used in preparing students with disabilities for the world of work and independence are studied. A field-based clinical assignment of approximately 15 hours is required.