The request to revise the Special Education Adapted Curriculum Initial Licensure Program

Date: May 6, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: April 21, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Special Education and Child Development Department proposes the revisioning of the graduate Special Education Adapted Curriculum Initial Licensure Program by aligning course curriculum to the North Carolina State Board of Education Standards for Teacher Education and NCATE Standards. The graduate certificate program maintains our 27-hour course requirement for the Graduate Certificate Program in Special Education. Additions to the graduate plan of study for initial licensure in adapted curriculum include: SPED 5173 Diagnostic Assessment, SPED 5279 Content Area Instruction for Students With Special Needs. Curricular changes include course alignment with the North Carolina Standards for Teachers and the NCDPI Special Education Adapted Curriculum Specialty Standards; ensuring judicial placement of candidate assessment measures (evidences as outlined in the evidence section of this report) including integration of prerequisite skills (e.g., use of search engines for Topical Paper (E2) necessary for successful completion of proposed program requirements, as well as elimination of multiple duplications of standards across course outlines. SPED 6690 was deleted from the 27-hour sequence and moved to the advanced licensure sequence. SPED 5273 was deleted with key concepts from this course integrated into existing required coursework.

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SPED 5173. Diagnostic Assessment. (3) Prerequisities: Admission to SPED program; SPED 5100; SPED 5175. Provides an overview of the principles and practice of educational problem solving with an emphasis on formal/standardized assessment, including curriculum-based assessment and curriculum-based measurement; special education eligibility; linkages between assessment and instruction; and concepts in educational assessment of students with exceptional learning needs (ELN). Topical paper required. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 5279. Content-Area Instruction for Students with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites for general curriculum license: SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175; SPED 5272; SPED 5275; and SPED 5277. Prerequisites for adapted curriculum license: SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175; SPED 5271; and SPED 5274. This course will provide strategies for collaborative instruction, instructionally relevant use of computer-based technology, and strategic instruction to improve access of students with disabilities in the general curriculum with an emphasis on content-area instruction at the middle and secondary levels: English, science, social studies, and mathematics. Application of instructional strategies are included in the course. Clinical field experience hours required. (Fall, Spring)