Request to revise PSYC 8950, “Internship”

Date: May 17, 2010
To: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Program Assistant
Approved On: April 6, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

PSYC 8950. Internship. (1 – 3). Prerequisites: Good standing in the program, completed all relevant coursework, successfully completed comprehensive examinations (clinical and programmatic), successfully proposed doctoral dissertation, and approved by the Director of Clinical Training. Admission to the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Psychology Program satisfactory completion of comprehensive examination, approval of research topic by dissertation committee, and permission of the department. See graduate handbook for more details. Placement in a pre-doctoral clinical intership at an American Psychological Association approved site or at another site approved by the Director of Clincal Training. Internship typically lasts for one continuous year. Course maytobe repeated fora total of3 to 6 credits over a one year period. (Fall, Spring, Summer)