The request to revise prerequisites for multiple courses within College of Business

Date: April 29, 2016
To: Belk College of Business
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: April 20, 2016
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

OPER 3201 – Operations Planning and Control

Credit Hours: (3)

An in-depth study of production planning and control activities in an enterprise resource planning context. Topics covered include: forecasting, operations and capacity planning, master production scheduling, material requirements planning, production activity control, inventory management, and Just-in-Time inventory systems. The use of software to manage operations and the interactions between operations and other functional areas of a business will be emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 3100 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

OPER 3203 – Decision Modeling and Analysis

Credit Hours: (3)

Analytical approach to understanding the management process and solving management problems with emphasis on model formulation, solution techniques, and interpretation of results. Specific topics covered in this course include: techniques such as linear, integer, goal and multi objective programming; queuing theory and applications; decision support via Monte Carlo simulation; decision making under uncertainty and risk; decision trees; and multi-criteria decision making. Excel is the main analytical tool.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 3100 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

OPER 3204 – Management of Service and Project Operations

Credit Hours: (3)

Examines both strategic and operational decision making in service management with emphasis on the latter. Topics include: service strategy, designing new services, assessing and improving service quality, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of service processes, service process design and service facility location, managing waiting lines, managing service projects, and the integration of technology into service operations.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 3100 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

OPER 3206 – Quality Assurance and Management

Credit Hours: (3)

A study of management philosophy, practices and analytical processes implemented in quality planning and administration of products and services. Topics include: corporate culture, quality design, human factors and motivation, quality cost analyses and auditing, service quality, quality assurance, quality circles, and conformance to design.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 3100 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

OPER 3208 – Supply Chain Management

Credit Hours: (3)

Supply chain management is concerned with all of the activities performed from the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product. From a broad perspective, the course is designed to examine the major aspects of the supply chain: the product flows; the information flows; and the relationships among supply chain participants. The course content is interdisciplinary in nature and will cover a variety of topics such as supply chain information technologies, supply chain design, strategic alliances between supply chain participants and supply chain initiatives.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 3100 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3229 – Business Data Communications and Information Security

Credit Hours: (3)

A study of the current and potential impact of computer data communications technologies and information security on business operations and productivity. Topics include: designing, planning and implementing solutions in such areas as local area networks, networked applications, and information assurance.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): INFO 3130 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3230 – Enterprise Systems

Credit Hours: (3)

A problem-solving based overview of enterprise systems. Through experiential learning, students understand how business processes such as sales, logistics, production, procurement, finance, accounting and human resources are supported in ERP software. Students also learn how to configure an ERP system to meet best practices.

Prerequisite(s): INFO 2130 with grade of C or above; and Junior standing or permission of department. declared Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3231 – Business Applications Development

Credit Hours: (3)

A study in the development of business applications software. Course emphasizes graphical user interface development using object-oriented, event-driven programming methods and techniques with a high-level development tool such as Visual Basic or Java.

Prerequisite(s): INFO 2130 with grade of C or above; and Junior standing or permission of department. declared Management Information Systems Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3233 – Data and Information Management

Credit Hours: (3)

A study of and implementation of databases for business applications. Exploration of basic concepts of design and the use of SQL to create and manipulate corporate databases.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): INFO 3130 with grade of C or above; and Junior standing or permission of department. declared Management Information Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management, or Marketing Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3234 – Business Information Systems Analysis and Design

Credit Hours: (3)

Examination of business information systems from the perspective of the systems analyst to provide an understanding of concepts, processes and techniques as they are applied to the systems development life cycle. Emphasis on the use of structured and object-oriented techniques to manage the complexities involved in the analysis phase of systems development.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): INFO 3233 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3236 – Business Analytics

Credit Hours: (3)

Various data mining and business intelligence methods, such as rule-based systems, decision trees, and logistic regression. Query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP) and statistical analysis. Issues relating to modeling, storing, securing, and sharing the organizational data resources.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing; and College of Business major or minor in good standing; or permission of department. declared Economics, Management Information Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Marketing, or Business Administration Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

INFO 3240 – eBusiness Systems

Credit Hours: (3)

A study of the evolving information technologies facilitating electronic business (eBusiness) and the business practices and strategies used to compete in the new wired global marketplace. Topics include: the infrastructure for eBusiness, new business strategies and models, web design, and management strategies, and an exploration of a variety of technologies involved in eBusiness.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): INFO 3234 with grade of C or above; and declared Management Information Systems Majors and Minors or permission of the department.

FINN 3223 – International Financial Management

Credit Hours: (3)

Viewpoints are those of the senior financial officer of an international corporation and of the international officer of a commercial bank. Topics include: the financing of exports and imports, financing of foreign operations, consideration of foreign exchange rates, and the impact of accounting procedures on financial management.

Prerequisite(s): FINN 3120