The request to revise the prerequisites for MBAD 6208

Date: May 17, 2011
To: Belk College of Business
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: April 22, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

MBAD 6208. Supply Chain Management. (3) Prerequisites: MBAD 6141; pre- or corequisite: MBAD 6122 or permission of the Department. Supply chain management is concerned with all of the activities performed from the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product. From a broad perspective, the course is designed to examine the major

aspects of the supply chain: the product flows; the information flows; and the relationships among supply chain participants. The course content is interdisciplinary in nature and will cover a variety of topics such as supply chain information technologies, supply chain design, strategic alliances between supply chain participants and supply chain initiatives. (Spring, On demand)