The request to revise the Ph.D. in Special Education

Date: April 11, 2016
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: March 23, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Specialty (15 credit hours)

(for licensed Special Educators)

An individually designed specialty of graduate courses developed by student and advisor and approved by the Special Education Doctoral Committee. This specialty will typically be related to the student’s licensure area and may include the following components:


SPED 8475 College Teaching in Special Education (3) (Coteaching in three licensure or other courses related to student’s specialty. May be repeated for credit).

SPED 8675 Special Educational Doctoral Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis (3)

Additional 9 credits (choose 3)

SPED 8475 College Teaching in Special Education (3) (Repeated for credit).

SPED 8475 College Teaching in Special Education (3) (Repeated for credit).

SPED 8477 Teacher Preparation in Online Settings (3)

SPED 8800 Independent Study in Special Education (3)