The request to revise M.S. in Computer Science

Date: April 8, 2016
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: March 21, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

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III. Areas of Concentration
Each student must take at least three related courses (9 hours) to form an area of concentration. The area of concentration may differ from the Course Categories; students are encouraged to have their areas of concentration aligned with faculty research areas. There are 6 “standard” concentrations:

  1. Data Science and Management – any three courses in Data Science and Management course category above
  2. Networked Systems – any three courses in Networked Systems course category above
  3. Visualization and Computer Graphics – any three courses in Visualization and Computer Graphics course category above
  4. Intelligent and Interactive Systems – any three courses in Intelligent and Interactive Systems course category above
  5. Game Design and Development – any three courses below:
  • ITCS 5230 Introduction to Game Design and development
  • ITCS 5231 Advanced Game Design and Development
  • ITCS 5232 Game Design and Development Studio
  • ITCS 5235 Game Engine Construction
  • ITCS 5236 Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
  • ITCS 5237 Audio Processing for Entertainment Computing
  • ITCS 5180 Mobile Application Development
  1. Information Security and Privacy – ITIS 6200 plus two additional courses in Information Security and Privacy course category above

The three courses forming the student’s area of concentration other than the above six standard ones must have the written approval of the student’s academic advisor. At most one course can be used to satisfy both breadth and area of concentration requirements. Core courses cannot be used in area of concentration. At least two of the three courses forming an area of concentration should be from the Department of Computer Science except for the area of concentration in Information Security and Privacy, which requires ITIS 6200 Principles of Information Security and Privacy plus two additional courses in the above Information Security and Privacy category. The three courses taken to satisfy the concentration requirement must each be passed with an “A” grade or a “B” grade. In addition to the nine hours of course work, a written study report on a subject in the area must be submitted to and be approved by the academic advisor to complete the concentration requirement. Students in the thesis option are waived from the study report requirement.