Request to revise MDSK 5200, 5201, 6460, & LACS 6200

Date: October 12, 2009
To: College of Education
From: Julie Putnam, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Governance
Approved On: October 6, 2009
Implementation Date: 2009

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

FLED MDSK 5200. Secondary Methods – Foreign Languages. (3) Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Teaching or the Master of Arts in Teaching and permission of the Department. Current trends and practices in teaching foreign and second languages in high school, with emphasis on practical applications. Addresses state mandated competencies. Required for licensure in the teaching of French, German, or Spanish (K-12). (Fall)

FLED MDSK 5201. Elementary K-8 Methods – Foreign Languages. (3) Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Teaching or the Master of Arts in Teaching and permission of the Department. Current trends and practices in teaching foreign and second languages in the elementary school and the middle school (K-8), with emphasis on practical applications. Addresses state mandated competencies. Required for licensure in the teaching of French, German, or Spanish (K-12). (Spring)

LACS FLED 6200. Advanced Methods of Teaching Foreign Language. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. in Second Language Education and completion of MDSK 6161, FORL LACSFLED 5200 and FORL LACS FLED 5201 and completion of student teaching internship. A variety of topics will be addressed in order to prepare experienced second language teachers to be critical thinkers, second-language researchers, and instructional and program leaders. Exemplar topics include the history and trends of second language instructional methods, curriculum design, research-based practices, multicultural education, foreign language status, and mentoring of beginning teachers.

New Course:

FLED 6470. Graduate Student Teaching and Internship – Foreign Language Education. (3) Prerequisite: completion of all education coursework required for the “A” license, background requirements, minimum score of Advanced-Low on the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), and an application for the course by the established deadline; and approval of the department. Requires a full-time, semester-long graduate student teaching experience of teaching in the appropriate area of licensure (French, German, or Spanish). Includes formal observations in the intern’s classroom by university faculty and/or school-based supervisors. Includes seminars. Application required.