The request to revise the M.A.T in Special Education (Adapted Curriculum) and establish SPED 6690 and 6691

Date: May 19, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: May 4, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Special Education and Child Development Department proposes the revisioning of the M.A.T. in Special Education (Adapted Curriculum) by aligning course curriculum to the North Carolina State Board of Education Standards for Teacher Education and NCATE standards. The M.A.T in Special Education General Curriculum is composed of two phases. First students must meet initial teaching licensure standards with successful completion of the 27 hour Graduate Certificate Program in general Curriculum (approved Spring 2010). At that point students may apply to the Graduate School for admission to the M.A.T. program with a transfer of the 27 initial licensure hours. An additional 12 hours are required to earn the M.A.T.

Curricular changesinclude the alignment of course content with new standards and judicial placement of candidate assessment measures and evidences.

  • SPED 6690 Consultation and Collaboration was changed from a 3 credit course to a 2-credit course.
  • SPED 6691a (1), SPED 6691b (1), SPED 6691c (1) Seminar in Professional and Leadership Development was changed to SPED 6691 Seminar in Professional and Leadership Development (1) .
  • RSCH 7113 Single Case Research (3), SPED 6502 Advanced Classroom Management, and SPED 6503 Instructional Design in Special Education were retained.
  • RSCH 6101 was deleted from the M.A.T and standards originally met through this course are shared among the 12 required hours.

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SPED 6690. Consultation and Collaboration. (2) Graduate students in Special Education will likely assume leadership roles in their individual schools and/or their LEA’s. The proposed course is designed to provide students with the background, knowledge base, experience, and personal contact to work collaboratively with professionals and parents. The proposed course will be offered in a true seminar manner. Learning consultation and collaboration skills assures that the needs of individuals with Exceptional Learning Need (ELN) are addressed throughout their school career. It also enhances the view of Special Educators as specialists and a resource to colleagues for instruction, inclusion, transition, and collaboration with outside agencies. Students enrolled in the course will use these skills, the professional literature, and their professional experience to formulate training packages for successful collaboration. (Fall)

SPED 6691. (1) Prerequisites: An “A” level special education teaching license and admittance to the Special Education M.A.T. Program, SPED 6502, SPED 6503, RSCH 7113. Pre or Co-requisite: SPED 6690. The course is designed to support graduate students in the design, implementation, and write up of their Data-based Decision Project, required for M.A.T. candidates in special education. This project involves the candidate implementing an academic or behavioral intervention with one or more students using a single subject research methodological design and support/mentor a colleague to implement a similar intervention with other students. This project must be implemented in a school setting. The resulting product serves as the capstone project for the M.A.T. (Fall, Spring)