The request to revise the M. Ed. in Special Education, Major in Academically of Intellectually Gifted (AIG) curriculum and establish SPED 6637, 6695 and 6696

Date: May 19, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: May 4, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Department of Special Education and Child Development (SPED) proposes to add three new graduate courses (the 3 credit course SPED 6637 and a 6 credit, two-course sequence comprised of SPED 6695 & 6696) for students in the AIG major of the SPED M.Ed. program. The Department also will shorten this degree program from the current 39 hours to 33 hours by removing a three-hour sequence (SPED 6691a, b, and c Seminar in Professional Leadership Development, at one credit hour each); removing the three credit course SPED 6271 Leadership in Gifted Education from the degree requirements; and removing the requirement for a three credit elective course. The current elective Special Topics course, SPED 6000, will be replaced by SPED 6637 Theory and Development of Creativityfor no net change in hours. Some content from SPED 6271 Leadership in Gifted Education will be incorporated into SPED 6270, for which a minor revision and name change from Planning and Evaluation of Gifted Programs to Gifted Assessment and Program Evaluation also is being proposed.

Catalog Copy

SPED 6637Theory and Development of Creativity (3 hours). Prerequisites: SPED 6224 and SPED 6161, or approval of instructor. This course provides an exploration of the concept of creativity: its components, its measurement, and its application to education. Topics discussed in class range from the theoretical (what is creativity? what does it look like?) to the practical (what activities can be used to develop creative behaviors in the classroom setting?). The course includes opportunities to prepare materials to be used with small groups of children. (On demand).

SPED 6270. PlanningGifted Assessmentand Program Evaluationof Gifted Programs. (3)hours). Prerequisites: SPED 5211,6224 andSPED 6124, SPED 6224,SPED 6261,6161, orapproval of department. Theoryinstructor. This advanced course introduces the theoryand practicebehind structuring programs for gifted students, from legal mandates to assessment considerations, program design,and evaluation. Practice inprogram design using the frameworkof students and programs. Evaluation of gifted programming provides experience applying the frameworks presented in current North Carolina law.and national standards. (On demand)

SPED 6695 Research Proposal in AIG(3 hours).This course provides evidence that a candidate can conceptualize and design a research study using a recognized research design, and it supports the development of the capstone research project required for M.Ed. candidates in AIG. Candidates in this course will complete the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) Research with Human Subjects online tutorial, develop and submit a research protocol application, and submit their application for IRB approval prior to implementing the study in SPED 6696.

SPED 6696 Research Implementation in AIG(3 hours). Candidates in this course will implement a research study using a recognized research design that they have designed in SPED 6695 and will produce a written report to disseminate their findings to stakeholders. This course allows students to complete the capstone project requirement for M.Ed. candidates in the area of Academically and Intellectually Gifted. (on demand)

Proposed changes to copy from 2010-11 Graduate Catalog, pp. 183-184

Major in Academically or Intellectually Gifted

Phase I: Developing Perspective (718 hours)

RSCH 6101 Research Methods (3)

SPED 5211 Nature and Needs of Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6691a Seminar in Professional and Leadership DevelopmentSPED 6695 Research Proposal in AIG(3)

SPED 6124 Methods of Instructing Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6161 Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6224 Adapting Curriculum Materials and Classroom Differentiation (3)

Phase II: Content and Pedagogy (25 hours)

SPED 6124 Methods of Instructing Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6161 Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6224 Adapting Curriculum Materials and Classroom Differentiation (3)

SPED 6241 Constructing Advanced Curriculum for Gifted Students (3)

SPED 6000 Topics in Special Education: AIG (3)

SPED 6270 Planning and Evaluation of Gifted ProgramsGifted Assessment and Program Evaluation(3)

SPED 6271 Leadership in Gifted Education (3)

SPED 6691b Seminar in Professional and Leadership Development (1)

RSCH course as approved by advisor (3)

Elective (3)

Phase II: Content and Pedagogy (4 hours)

SPED 6690 Consultation and Collaboration (3)

SPED 6691c Seminar in Professional & Leadership Development (1)

SPED 6637 Theory and Development of Creativity (3)

SPED 6696 Research Implementation in AIG (3)

RSCH 7111 Qualitative Research (or other RSCH course as approved by advisor)

Capstone Experiences

The capstone experience will be fulfilled by completing either a Master’s Research Project (recommended; required for AIG majors) or a Comprehensive Portfolio (with approval of advisor).


The major in Special Education includes 15 elective hours.

These hours will enable students to add-on an additional North Carolina teaching license in Adapted Curriculum, General Curriculum or a specific disability area (e.g., behavioral-emotional disabilities, learning disabilities), or complete an individualized set of courses developed as a result of participating in the first SPED 6691 seminar or from discussing possibilities with their advisor. Students in the major in Academically and Intellectually Gifted program have 3no elective hours.