The request to revise ITIS 6230/8230

Date: February 19, 2014
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: December 20, 2013
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2014

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITIS 6230. Information Infrastructure Protection. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6230 and ITIS 8230. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200. Methodologies, tools, and technologies that are important for protecting information systems and information infrastructures. Topics include: techniques, processes and methodologies for information security risk assessment and management, systems modeling and analysis using logic programming and formal methods, tools and technologies for critical infrastructure protection, methodologies for continuous operation and recovery from disasters. (On demand)

ITIS 8230. Information Infrastructure Protection. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6230 and ITIS 6230. Prerequisite: ITIS 8200. Examines the issues related to information and system assurance. Topics include: security policy, security threats / vulnerabilities / risks / incidents, assurance requirement, assurance class, evaluation methods and assurance maintenance. Methodologies, tools, and technologies that are important for protecting information systems and information infrastructures. Topics include: techniques, processes and methodologies for information security risk assessment and management, systems modeling and analysis using logic programming and formal methods, tools and technologies for critical infrastructure protection, methodologies for continuous operation and recovery from disasters. (On demand) (Evening)

HCIP 6230. Information Infrastructure Protection. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 6230 and ITIS 8230. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200 and enrollment in the PSM in Health Informatics or Graduate Certificate in HIT. Discusses methodologies, tools, and technologies that are important for protecting information systems and information infrastructures. Topics include: techniques, processes and methodologies for information security risk assessment and management, systems modeling and analysis using logic programming and formal methods, tools and technologies for critical infrastructure protection, methodologies for continuous operation, and recovery from disasters. (On demand)