The request to revise the Graduate Program in Reading Education

Date: July 28, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: May 26, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Reading and Elementary Education Department is proposing a revision of its current Reading Education Master’s Degree Program:

· Reduce required hours from 39 to 33 hours.

· Eliminate RSCH 7111: Qualitative Research Methods in Education

· Eliminate READ A, B, and C: Seminar in Professional Development

· Eliminate Elective Course Offerings

· Add READ 6204: Teaching Reading to English Language Learners

· Add READ 6265: Multiliteracies in a Global World: Reading and Writing Texts in New Times

· Change the names of phases of the program and regroup courses under the phases

Catalog Copy

Master of Education in Reading Education

Designed for experienced teachers, the M.Ed. Program in Reading Education qualifies graduates for the Masters/Advanced Competencies “M” license in K-12 reading education. Relevant to all areas of the K-12 curriculum, this program is designed for classroom teachers and aspiring literacy specialists who are interested in improving instructional programs and practices that promote literacy among all learners.

Program Objectives

Based on professional standards published by the International Reading Association and the N. C. State Board of Education, the program prepares graduates who: 1) understand the theoretical and evidence-based foundations of to assume the role of a reading and writing processes and instruction