The request to revise the graduate catalog for the Special Education Program

Date: October 12, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: September 15, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

SPED 5100. Introduction to Special Education. (3).Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Examines legislation and litigation that governs and/or influences services for individuals with disabilities. Scrutinizes the IEP process and investigates IEP objectives that reflect the general curriculum standards. Examines one’s personal philosophy of education, which reflects the diversity of students with disabilities. Identifies services, networks, organizations, and publications that serve or are relevant to individuals with disabilities. Identifies and critiques instructional implications of published research. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 5111. Issues in Early Intervention for Young Children with Disabilities. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; GPA of at least 2.5. Explores issues and evidence-based practices for young children with disabilitiesand their families in home, school, and community settings. (Fall)

SPED 5112. Authentic Approaches to the Assessment of Young Children with Disabilities: Birth-Kindergarten. (3) Prerequisite:Admission to Teacher Education, GPA of at least 2.5, SPED 5111. Develops competence inevaluation, design, implementation, and interpretation of culturally appropriate, interdisciplinary assessment approaches within the context of the young child’s natural environments and in partnership with families that lead to appropriate intervention plans for children with disabilities. A field-based clinical assignment of approximately 20 hours is required. (Spring)

SPED 5173. Diagnostic Assessment. (3) Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5175. Provides an overview of the principles and practice of educational problem solving with an emphasis on formal/standardized assessment, including curriculum-based assessment and curriculum-based measurement; special education eligibility; linkages between assessment and instruction; and concepts in educational assessment of students with exceptional learning needs. Topical paper required. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 5175. Instructional Planning in Special Education. (3)Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education. This introductory course addresses strategies for the development, implementation, and monitoring of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and related instructional planning for P-12 students with disabilities within the general curriculum (high incidence disabilities) or adapted curriculum (low incidence disabilities). Through this course, students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in using the general education curriculum to develop appropriate IEPs and lesson plans for instruction. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 5210. Developmental Interventions for Young Children with Disabilities: Birth through Kindergarten. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education, GPA of at least 2.5 overall, SPED 5111, SPED 5112. Focuses on developing, facilitating, and evaluating incidental learning, and play- and routines-based interventions with young children with disabilities and their families. A field-based clinical assignment of approximately 20 hours is required. (Fall)

SPED 5270. Classroom Management. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills of applied behavior analysis (ABA) as an approach for programming effective interventions for children and youths with disabilities. It focuses specifically on “positive behavior support” (PBS), a research-validated approach to interventions designed to prevent problem behavior, encourage environmental management, and promote students’ positive and appropriate behavior. This course will also prepare students to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) in order to more efficiently and effectively identify the interventions to address the students’ behavioral needs. The desired outcomes of this course are for students to have a basic understanding of ABA, FBA, and PBS as well as to apply these principles in a classroom setting for students with disabilities. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 5271. Systematic Instruction. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175. Principles and procedures used to program instruction for persons with severe disabilities are presented and evaluated as to their effectiveness. Students are required to design and implement an instructional program for students with severe disabilities. (Fall)

SPED 5272. Teaching Mathematics to Learners with Special Needs. (3)Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175. This course will provide students with effective teaching strategies and materials in math for learners with special needs for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum as stipulated by the North Carolina Department of public instruction. A 12-hour field-based clinical experience is a required component of the course. Assessment and application of instructional techniques are included. (Spring)

SPED 5273-omit

SPED 5274. General Curriculum Access and Adaptations. (3). Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175. Strategies for developing curricular priorities for students who need adaptations to the general curriculum including ways to link to state standards in reading, math, writing, science, and other content areas.This is a clinical intensive course requiring 12 hours classroom experience. (Fall)

SPED 5275. Teaching Reading to Elementary Learners with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175. This course will provide effective prevention and intervention strategies for addressing the needs of elementary students with disabilities and diverse learning needs. Assessment and application of instructional strategies are included in the course. A semester long 12-hour field experience is a required component. (Fall)

SPED 5276. Teaching Reading to Middle and Secondary Learners with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175. This course will provide effective remedial and intervention strategies for addressing the needs of middle and secondary students with disabilities and diverse learning needs. Assessment and application of instructional strategies are included in the course. A 6-hour field experience is a required component. (Fall)

SPED 5277. Teaching Written Expression to Learners with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5175; SPED 5270. This course will provide students with effective teaching strategies and materials in written expression to learners with special needs. A 12-hour field experience is a required component of the course. The field experience will include assessment and application of instructional techniques with students identified as receiving special education services. The course is designed to address core and specific competencies in teaching written expression to students with special needs for teacher licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum as stipulated by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. (Spring)

SPED 5279 Content-Area Instruction for Students with Special Needs. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100; SPED 5173; SPED 5270. Additional prerequisites include SPED 5272, 5275 or 5276, and 5277 OR 5271 and 5274. This course will provide strategies for collaborative instruction, instructionally relevant use of computer-based technology, and strategic instruction to improve access of students with disabilities in the general curriculum with an emphasis on content-area instruction at the middle and secondary levels: English, science, social studies, and mathematics. Application of instructional strategies are included in the course. A semester long 10-hour field experience is a required component.(Spring)

SPED 5316. Transition Planning and Service Delivery. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program; SPED 5100, SPED 5173; SPED 5175; SPED 5270. Methods and procedures used in preparing students with disabilities for post school adjustment including employment, leisure, residential, and continuing educational opportunities are studied. A field-based clinical assignment is required. (Spring)

SPED 6000. Topics in Special Education. (1-6)Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and Special Education Graduate Certificate Program. May include classroom and/or clinical experiences in the content area. With department approval, may be repeated for credit for different topics.(On demand)

  • SPED 6112-omit
  • SPED 6113-omit
  • SPED 6114-omit
  • SPED 6122-omit
  • SPED 6123-omit
  • SPED 6124: no change
  • SPED 6161: no change
  • SPED 6224: no change
  • SPED 6241: no change
  • SPED 6270: no change
  • SPED 6271: no change
  • SPED 6311: no change
  • SPED 6321: no change
  • SPED 6351: no change
  • SPED 6471: no change
  • SPED 6472-omit
  • SPED 6473-omit
  • SPED 6474-omit

SPED 6475. Internship/Seminar: Special Education K-12-General Curriculum. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Special Education Graduate Certificate Program and grade of C or higher in all licensure courses; Application for SPED internship. The internship is a planned sequence of experiences in the student’s area of specialization conducted in an approved school setting under the supervision and coordination of a university supervisor and a cooperating teacher. During internship the student must demonstrate the competencies identified for his/her specific teaching field in an appropriate grade level setting. Supervised, field-based experiences in observation, instruction and administration of programs for students who have special needs. In addition, the student participates in 8-10 seminars scheduled throughout the semester. (Fall, Spring)

SPED 6476. Internship/Seminar: Special Education K-12- Adapted Curriculum. (3)Prerequisites: Admission to Special Education Graduate Certificate Program and grade of C or higher in all licensure courses; Application for internship. The internship is a planned sequence of experiences in the student’s area of specialization conducted in an approved school setting under the supervision and coordination of a university supervisor and a cooperating teacher. During internship the student must demonstrate the competencies identified for his/her specific teaching field in an appropriate grade-level setting. Supervised, field-based experiences in observation, instruction and administration of programs for students who have special needs. In addition, the student participates in 8-10 seminars scheduled throughout the semester. (Fall, Spring)