Request to revise course description for MDSK 3151

Date: November 3, 2009
To: College of Education
From: Julie Putnam, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Governance
Approved On: October 29, 2009
Implementation Date: 2009

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

MDSK 3151. Instructional Design and Technology Integration the Use of Technology with Middle and Secondary School Learners. (3) Prerequisite: EDUC 2100, SECD 3140 or MDLG 3130, SPED 2100, MDSK 2100 or EDUC 2100 and SPED 2100 and admission to Teacher Education. Pre- or Corequisite: SECD 4140 or MDLG 3130. Planning for instruction and evaluation of learning in the 21st Century classroom. Emphasis on writing learning objectives and instructional plans for various domains of learning. This course is designed as an introduction to the systematic process of planning for effective classroom instruction and assessment. Emphasis will be placed on setting goals and objectives for instruction; planning activities and writing assessments based on cognitive, social, affective, and psychomotor factors and designing appropriate means of assessing those learning objectives. ; use of computer software for the creation of units, lesson plans, and teacher-made tests. Special attention will be given to the related use of technology in the development of effective and systematic learning environments. This will include capabilities and limitations of technology, evaluating programs and technological resources, and the effective use of emerging technologies in the classroom. It is expected that the student enter the course with basic recognition of computer hardware and software. This course has a 15 hour clinical requirement. (Fall, Spring)