The request to revise 29 ITIS Graduate courses

Date: March 23, 2015
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: February 25, 2015
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Fall 2015

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITIS 5156. Computer-Aided Instruction. (3) Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. History of CAI; study of current CAI systems; development of man-machine dialogue; programming tools for CAI; information structures for computer-oriented learning. Advantages/disadvantages/costs of CAI. (On demand)

ITIS 5166. Network-Based Application Development. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 5166. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Examines the issues related to network based application development. Topics include: introduction to computer networks, web technologies and standards, network based programming methodologies, languages, tools and standards (Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 5180. Mobile Application Development. (3) Cross-listed as ITCS 5180. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Mobile platforms are at the center of attention of users and organizations nowadays. Most organizations and businesses are rapidly migrating toward the cloud and need to provide a fast and easy mechanism for users to stay connected to their services. Mobile applications are the top trend nowadays given the high variety of new mobile devices and platforms such as Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. In this course, students are introduced to the foundations of mobile development and its unique requirements and constraints. Students design and build a variety of mobile applications with a hands-on and project-based approach. (On demand)

ITIS 5220. Vulnerability Assessment and System Assurance. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 5220. Prerequisite: permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Discusses methodologies, tools, and technologies that are important for vulnerability assessment and systems assurance. Topics covered include: ethical hacking techniques, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment/management, finding new exploits, discovering vulnerabilities, penetrating network perimeters, bypassing auditing systems, and assured administration of systems as well as evaluating systems assurance levels. Focus will be placed on 1) understanding current penetration techniques for networks, operating systems, services and applications; 2) investigating mitigation and defense strategies; and 3) studying legal and ethical considerations. The course is based on case studies with a strong lab component. (On demand)

ITIS 5250. Computer Forensics. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 5250. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MS in Information Technology program or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. The identification, extraction, documentation, interpretation, and preservation of computer media for evidentiary purposes and/or root cause analysis. Topics include: techniques for discovering digital evidence; responding to electronic incidents; tracking communications through networks; understanding electronic media, crypto-literacy, data hiding, hostile code, and Windows™ and UNIX™ system forensics; and the role of forensics in the digital environment. (On demand) (Fall, Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 5510. Web Mining. (3) Pre- or corequisites: ITIS 5160 and full graduate standing, or permission of department. Topics include: measuring and modeling the Web; crawling, Web search and information retrieval; unsupervised learning, supervised learning, semi-supervised learning in Web context; social network analysis and hyperlink analysis; text parsing and knowledge representation. (Spring)

ITIS 6010. Topics in Software and Information Systems. (3) Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Topics in software and information systems selected to supplement the regular course offerings. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. (On demand)

ITIS 6011. Interaction Design Studio. (4 3) Prerequisite: Graduate standing and permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. A studio approach to teaching topics in interaction design. Aspects of interaction design taught in the studio include: gesture-based interaction, tangible interaction, large public display interaction, tabletop interaction, multi-touch tablet interaction, and human-robot interaction. Students learn to apply a theoretical understanding of some aspect of interaction design to the study of existing designs and the development of a new design. Outcomes include writing a literature review about interaction design, executing users studies and critiques of existing designs, and developing and implementing a new interaction design for a specific purpose. May be repeated for credit. (Spring)

ITIS 6120. Applied Databases. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 5160 and ITIS 8120. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Identification of business database needs; requirements specification; relational database model; SQL; E-R modeling; database design, implementation, and verification; distributed databases; databases replication; object-oriented databases; data warehouses; OLAP; data mining; security of databases; vendor selection; DBMS product comparison; database project management; tools for database development, integration, and transaction control. (Fall) (Evening)

ITIS 6130. Software Requirements Engineering for Information Systems. (3) Prerequisite: Full graduate standing, or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Introduction to requirement engineering methodologies. Topics include: requirements elicitation, specification, and validation; structural, informational, behavioral, security, privacy, and computer user interface requirements; scenario analysis; application of object-oriented methodologies in requirements gathering; spiral development models; risk management models; software engineering maturity model. (On demand)

ITIS 6140. Software Testing and Quality Assurance. (3) Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Methods for evaluating software for correctness and reliability including code inspections, program proofs and testing methodologies. Formal and informal proofs of correctness. Code inspections and their role in software verification. Unit and system testing techniques, testing tools and limitations of testing. Statistical testing, reliability models. Software engineering maturity model. (On demand)

ITIS 6148. Advanced OO Object-Oriented Design and Implementation. (3) Cross-listed as ITCS 6148. Prerequisites: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Focuses on issues related to the design, implementation, integration, and management of large object-oriented systems. Topics include: object models, object modeling, frameworks, persistent and distributed objects, and object-oriented databases. (Spring) (Alternate years)

ITIS 6150. Software Assurance. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 8150. Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. An introduction to software assurance education and research. Topics include: the security of software across the development life cycle that addresses trustworthiness, predictable execution and conformance. Various aspects of secure software requirements, design, construction, verification, and validation, process and engineering management are focused on as they relate to secure software development. Students gain hands-on experience in various techniques and tools as part of a semester-long project in addition to other assignments. (On demand)

ITIS 6167. Network Security. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6167. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200 or equivalent CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Examines the issues related to network security. Topics include: network security background and motivation, network centric threats, network authentication and identification, network security protocols, firewall, IDS, security in wireless environments, email security, instant message security, network application security, and network based storage security. There are heavy lab based components in this course. (Fall, Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 6200. Principles of Information Security and Privacy. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6200 and ITIS 8200. Prerequisite: CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Topics include: security concepts and mechanisms; security technologies; authentication mechanisms; mandatory and discretionary controls; basic cryptography and its applications; database security, intrusion detection and prevention; assurance requirement, assurance class, evaluation methods and assurance maintenance; anonymity and privacy issues for information systems. (Fall, Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 6210. Access Control and Security Architecture. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6210. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200 or permission of department. Discusses objectives, formal models, and mechanisms for access control; and access control on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems. Examines the issues related to security architectures and technologies for authorization. Topics include: cryptographic infrastructure, distributed systems security architectures, database systems security architectures, Internet security architectures, network security architectures and e-commerce security architectures. (Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 6211. Studio Lab I. (4 3) Cross-listed as ARCH 7211 and ITCS 6211. Prerequisite: CCI graduate standing or permission of department. The Studio/Lab sequence situates students with varying backgrounds in an educational environment that allows them to develop and test innovative computational design tools, applications and settings. Each semester is jointly taught by faculty from the School of Architecture and the College of Computing and Informatics, and is organized around a topic chosen by the participating faculty. Each focused topic requires expertise both in spatial design and computational design, and results in prototypes and evaluation.

ITIS 6212. Studio Lab II. (4 3) Cross-listed as ARCH 7212 and ITCS 6212. Prerequisite: CCI graduate standing or permission of department. The Studio/Lab sequence situates students with varying backgrounds in an educational environment that allows them to develop and test innovative computational design tools, applications and settings. Each semester is jointly taught by faculty from School of Architecture and the College of Computing and Informatics, and is organized around a topic chosen by the participating faculty. Each focused topic requires expertise both in spatial design and computational design, and results in prototypes and evaluation.

ITIS 6230. Information Infrastructure Protection. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6230 and ITIS 8230. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200 or permission of department. Methodologies, tools, and technologies that are important for protecting information systems and information infrastructures. Topics include: techniques, processes and methodologies for information security risk assessment and management, systems modeling and analysis using logic programming and formal methods, tools and technologies for critical infrastructure protection, methodologies for continuous operation and recovery from disasters. (On demand)

ITIS 6240. Applied Cryptography. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6240. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Provides students with an understanding of modern cryptographic techniques, algorithms and protocols that are of fundamental importance to the design and implementation of security critical applications. Covers not only standard cryptographic techniques, but also exposes students to the latest advances in applied cryptography. Topics include: secret and public key ciphers, stream ciphers, one-way hashing algorithms, authentication and identification, digital signatures, key establishment and management, secret sharing and data recovery, public key infrastructures, and efficient implementation. (On demand) (Fall, Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 6320. Cloud Data Storage. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 8320. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. The design and implementation of cloud storage and big data systems and the architecture and characteristics of components on which cloud storage systems are built. Topics include: storage device hardware, file systems, mirroring and RAID, array coding techniques, storage area networks (SAN), network-attached storage (NAS), cloud storage and big data, DB in clouds, relational storage models, key value stores and other No-SQL mechanisms, data consistency and availability in the cloud, cloud data privacy and security. (On demand)

ITIS 6342. Information Technology Project Management. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6342. Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Introduction to problems associated with managing information technology projects involving, particularly, integration of systems, development of client-specific solutions, and project justification. Moves beyond the classic techniques of project management and integrate communication software/systems, multi-site, multi-client facilities projects, cultural issues involved with managing interdisciplinary teams, and the effect of rapid technological obsolescence on project justification, funding and continuance. (Spring, Summer) (Evenings or Weekends)

ITIS 6362. Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security. (3) Prerequisite: Permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Management of Information technology involves understanding the broader issues of ethics, policy and security. The growth in Internet usage and E-commerce require IT professionals to consider issues pertaining to data protection, regulation, and appropriate use and dissemination of information. The course is designed to be team-taught by professionals in the field. (Fall)

ITIS 6400. Principles of Human-Computer Interaction. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6350. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing, or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. An introduction to Human-Computer Interaction practice and research. Topics include: the perceptual, cognitive, and social characteristics of people, as well as methods for learning more about people and their use of computing systems. The process of interface design, methods of design, and ways to evaluate and improve a design. Also highlights a number of current and cutting-edge research topics in Human-Computer Interaction. A balance of design, sociological/psychological, and information systems elements. (Spring) (Fall, Spring) (Evening)

ITIS 6410. Personalization and Recommender Systems. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6410 and ITIS 8410. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing, or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. An introduction to the application of personalization and recommender systems techniques in information systems. Topics include: historical, individual and commercial perspectives; underlying approaches to content-based and collaborative recommendation techniques for building user models; acceptance issues; and case-studies drawn from research prototypes and commercially deployed systems. (On demand)

ITIS 6420. Usable Security and Privacy. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 8420. Prerequisite: ITIS 6200 or permission of department. Much of the work into security and privacy solutions ignore a critical element: the human who must interact with those solutions. In this course, we investigate privacy and security from a user-centered point of view. How do people think about privacy and security? How do they interact with current applications and solutions? What should be considered in designing user-friendly security systems? This course introduces students to a variety of usability and user interface issues related to privacy and security as well as examine potential designs and solutions. (On demand)

ITIS 6500. Complex Adaptive Systems. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6500, ITCS 6500, ITCS 8500, and ITIS 8500. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Complex adaptive systems (CAS) are networked (agents/part interact with their neighbors and, occasionally, distant agents), nonlinear (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts), adaptive (the system learns to change with its environment), open (new resources are being introduced into the environment), dynamic (the change is a norm), emergent (new, unplanned features of the system get introduced through the interaction of its parts/agents), and self-organizing (the parts organize themselves into a hierarchy of subsystems of various complexity). Ant colonies, networks of neurons, the immune system, the Internet, social institutions, organization of cities, and the global economy are a few examples where the behavior of the whole is much more complex than the behavior of the parts. This course will cover those and similar topics in an interactive manner. Examples of our current research effort will be provided. Topics include: Self-organization; emergent properties; learning; agents; localization affect; adaptive systems; nonlinear behavior; chaos; complexity. (On demand)

ITIS 6510. Software Agent Systems. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 8510. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing, or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. An introduction to centralized and distributed software agent systems. Topics include: agent cooperation in cooperative and competitive environments, agent architectures, game theoretical models, market mechanisms, multi-agent learning, mixed-initiative computing and single and multi-agent applications. Students gain hands-on experience by building a multi-agent system as part of a semester-long project in addition to shorter assignments. (On demand)

ITIS 6520. Network Science. (3) Cross-listed as HCIP 6520 and ITIS 8520. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or permission of department CCI graduate standing or permission of department. Network Science helps students design faster, more resilient communication networks; revise infrastructure systems such as electrical power grids, telecommunications networks, and airline routes; model market dynamics; understand synchronization in biological systems; and analyze social interactions among people. It examines the various kinds of networks (regular, random, small-world, influence, scale-free, and social) and applies network processes and behaviors to emergence, epidemics, synchrony, and risk. This course integrates concepts across computer science, biology, physics, social network analysis, economics, and marketing. (On demand)