Request to establish a new Undergraduate Minor in Teaching English as a Second Language

Date: June 3, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: May 18, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

TESL 4103. Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language. (3) Prerequisite: Completion of MDSK 3151 and TESL 4204. For future teachers of English as a Second Language (TESL) who wish to master a variety of approaches, methods and techniques of teaching ESL and other competencies prescribed by the state of North Carolina. Clinical hours required. (Fall)

TESL 4104. Authentic Assessment. (3) An exploration of the variety of assessments and evaluations used specifically for English Language Learners (ELLs) in the K-12 public schools. For current and future teachers to develop multiple criteria assessment models and to master other competencies related to the assessment of ELLs within the mainstream and ESL classroom, as prescribed by the State of North Carolina. Clinical hours required. (Spring)

TESL 4204. Inclusive Classrooms for Immigrant Students. (3) An introduction to the general issues related multicultural education and to the teaching of English Language Learners (ELLs) in diverse classroom and school contexts. Topics include current demographics and immigration trends, legal issues, second language and identity development of immigrant students, the development of academic English, modifying course content to meet the needs of ELLs. Clinical hours required.(Fall, Spring)

TESL 4300. Second Language Development in K-12 Classrooms. (3) An introduction to the English language as a system, with a particular focus on teaching English as a second language in K-12 public school settings. Topics include: first and second language acquisition processes; English phonology, morphology, and syntax; implications for teaching English language learners the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing; and implications for teaching in the content areas. (Fall or Spring)

TESL 4469. Advanced Seminar/Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language. (3) Prerequisite: Departmental permission for admission to student teaching. Must be taken prior to or in conjunction with student teaching in the major. A planned sequence of experiences within a high-needs ESL school setting under the supervision of a TESL faculty member. Concepts, methods, and practices used by effective teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs) in their daily classroom routines, including systematic observation skills, interpretation of observation data, and application of research-based findings. Extensive observations and implementation of modified lesson plans for ELLs required. Seminar topics vary. (On demand)

TESL 4600. Literacy Development for Second Language Learners. (3) An introduction to the challenges associated with first language literacy, second language literacy, and second language development. Examinations of the interaction between language, literacy, and culture and their implications for additive models of literacy instruction in a non-native and/or heritage language in diverse K-12 settings. Clinical hours required. (Fall or Spring)


There are no revised courses associated with the proposed minor in Teaching English as a Second Language. The following 2new courses will be cross-listed with the graduate level equivalents until enrollment for the TESL minor increases.

New Undergraduate Course

Graduate Equivalent

TESL 4103: Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language

TESL 5103: Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language

TESL 4104: Authentic Assessment

TESL 5104: Authentic Assessment



A minor in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) requires the completion of 18 hours of specialized coursework. This program is designed for students already seeking an initial license in another content area who wish to gain expertise in the education of English Language Learners in the K12 public school setting. Students interested in pursuing TESL must be approved for admission to the minor by meeting statewide teacher education program admission requirements. Advising and admission to the minor are administered through the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (TEAL) in the College of Education. The criteria for admission include 45 earned credit hours, a GPA of 2.5 or higher, a major in a subject area for which there is teacher licensure (Elementary Education, Special Education, Secondary or Middle Grades Education, Foreign Language Education, etc.), a grade of C or better in MDSK 2100 or equivalent, passing scores on the SAT, ACT, or Praxis I tests, and the recommendation of their major advisor. After admission to the minor, advising is offered through the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education in collaboration with advising in the student’s major department. The minor is designed to be coordinated with junior and senior level coursework in the major, with the final semester that includes an advanced seminar/ practicum in TESL. Successful completion of the minor will lead to a recommendation for North Carolina add-on K-12 licensure in ESL.