The request to establish a MBA Concentration in Sports Marketing and Management

Date: July 15, 2011
To: Belk College of Business
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: June 29, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program proposes a new concentration in Sports Marketing and Management. This will require the cross-listing of MBAS 6310 as MBAD 6310, MBAS 6361 as MBAD 6361, MBAS 6362 as MBAD 6362, and MBAS 6371 as MBAD 6371.

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Concentration in Sports Marketing and Management

Required Courses:

MBAD 6310: Sports Economics (3)
MBAD 6361: Management of Motorsport (1.5)
MBAD 6362: Management of Professional Team Sports (1.5)
MBAD 6371: Marketing of Sports (3)

Plus one additional course (3 hours) of the following

MBAD 6163: Human Resource Management (3)
BAD 6165: Negotiation and Conflict Management (3)
MBAD 6172: Marketing Research (3)
MBAD 6191: Entrepreneurship (3)
MBAD 6890: Directed Individual Study (3)

Optional Directed Individual Study Internship

Students will have the option to participate in an internship as a directed individual study with a sports-related organization. If this option is selected, students pursuing the Sports Marketing and Management Concentration will be responsible for identifying their own internship and having it approved by the MBA Director. Once approved, students may receive three credit hours for the successful completion of the internship.

Added as MBAD courses:

MBAD 6310. Sports Economics. (3) Cross-listed as MBAS 6310. Prerequisites: MBAD 5110 or equivalent. Economic concepts in the decision-making process as applied to sport. Topics include demand and supply analysis and market structure in sports; market efficiency issues in sports; salary and ticket pricing issues in sports; economic impact studies of sports; and labor market studies in sports including collective bargaining agreements and discrimination. Regression analysis will be covered and used in this course. (On demand)

MBAD 6361. Management of Motorsport. (1.5) Cross-listed as MBAS 6361. Prerequisite: MBAD 6161. The application of management concepts and theories to motorsports including leadership, structure, and human resources, especially labor relations. History of motorsports management including the role and impact of the media. Ownership, governance and governing bodies in motorsports, their authority and functions, eligibility requirements, and sanctions and appeals processes. (On demand)

MBAD 6362. Management of Professional Team Sports. (1.5) Cross-listed as MBAS 6362. Prerequisite: MBAD 6161. The application of management concepts and theories to the professional team’s franchise including leadership, organizational design, and human resources, especially labor relations. History of professional team sports management in the United States and the world. Ownership, governance and governing bodies in professional sports including league organizations (major and minor), their authority and functions; eligibility requirements, and sanctions and appeals processes. In addition, the role and impact of television on professional team sports management will be explored. (On demand)

MBAD 6371. Marketing of Sports. (3) Cross-listed as MBAS 6371. Prerequisite: MBAD 6171. Marketing concepts and practices applied to the marketing of sports products and services to the sports consumer. Emphasis on strategic marketing planning. Strategies to segment markets and identify customers; generate revenue, fan loyalty, and build the brand; collect and use marketing research data; promotional strategies including endorsements and sponsorships; pricing strategies (ticket prices) for sports teams/individuals in competition. (On demand)

Changes to MBAS course descriptions:

MBAS 6310. Sports Economics. (3) Cross-listed as MBAD 6310. Prerequisites: MBAD 5112 and 5113 or equivalent. Economic concepts in the decision-making process as applied to sport. Topics include demand and supply analysis and market structure in sports; market efficiency issues in sports; salary and ticket pricing issues in sports; economic impact studies of sports; and labor market studies in sports including collective bargaining agreements and discrimination. Regression analysis will be covered and used in this course. (Spring On demand)

MBAS 6361. Management of Motorsport. (1.5) Cross-listed as MBAD 6361. Prerequisite: MBAD 6161. The application of management concepts and theories to motorsports including leadership, structure, and human resources, especially labor relations. History of motorsports management including the role and impact of the media. Ownership, governance and governing bodies in motorsports, their authority and functions, eligibility requirements, and sanctions and appeals processes. (Fall On demand)

MBAS 6362. Management of Professional Team Sports. (1.5) Cross-listed as MBAD 6362. Prerequisite: MBAD 6161. The application of management concepts and theories to the professional team’s franchise including leadership, organizational design, and human resources, especially labor relations. History of professional team sports management in the United States and the world. Ownership, governance and governing bodies in professional sports including league organizations (major and minor), their authority and functions; eligibility requirements, and sanctions and appeals processes. In addition, the role and impact of television on professional team sports management will be explored. (Fall On demand)

MBAS 6371. Marketing of Sports. (3) Cross-listed as MBAD 6371. Prerequisite: MBAD 6171. Marketing concepts and practices applied to the marketing of sports products and services to the sports consumer. Emphasis on strategic marketing planning. Strategies to segment markets and identify customers; generate revenue, fan loyalty, and build the brand; collect and use marketing research data; promotional strategies including endorsements and sponsorships; pricing strategies (ticket prices) for sports teams/individuals in competition. (Summer On demand)