The request to establish ITCS 1600

Date: June 24, 2011
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: June 9, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITCS 1600 Computing Professionals (1) This required course should be taken by all Freshman and Transfer students during their first semester in the College of Computing and Informatics. The course is designed to assist with the intellectual and social transition from high school or community college to university by increasing the involvement of students in the intellectual life on campus and within the professional computing community; providing an orientation to resources available to students; promoting oral and writing skills; and enabling students to develop a personal education plan. The course has three components: a seminar series, peer group engagement, and extra-curricular engagement. Course grades will be based on participation in all three components, quality of written reflections on all three components, and peer and instructor review of individual performance in peer group engagement activities, including the development of a personal education plan. May not be repeated for grade replacement. (Fall, Spring)


The Computer Science Concentration consists of 4243-45 46 hours in computer science, 03-6 additional hours of ITCS/ITIS at 3000 or above, and 12 hours in mathematics and statistics. Courses included are: ITCS 1212, 1212L, 1213, 1213L, 1600, 2175, 2214, 2215, 3146, 3155, 3160, 3688; 12 hours in one of the CS focus areas listed below; 3-6 hours of ITCS 4155, 4232, 4650, 4651, 4990, or 4991 for capstone experience; MATH 1120, 2164 STAT 1220, 2223; or MATH 1241, 1242, 2164, STAT 2122. PHIL 1105, ITIS 2211, and ENGL 2116 are also required.

A component of 21-24 semester hours of approved non-computer science courses forming an integrated program of secondary focus must be included. A three-hour bridge course is included in the 21-24 hours. This course bridges between CS and the secondary focus discipline, which can be an ITCS course or a course in the other discipline. The secondary focus in business consists of ACCT 2121, 2122, ECON 2101, 2102, INFO 3231, 3234, 3236/3240 plus ITCS/INFO 2231 as a required bridge course. The secondary focus in cognitive science consists of PSYC 3115, 3116, PHIL 3245, ITIS 3130; and any two from ITIS 3131, ENGL 4161, 4167, 4263, PHIL 3235, 3265, PSYC 3122, 3313, 4316 with ITCS 3216 as a required bridge course. In general, a secondary focus consists of 9 hours at the 3000-level or above, plus an additional 12 hours of approved non-ITCS courses, forming an integrated program in a complementary (or applied) area to computer science, possibly forming a minor in that discipline area.


The Financial Services Informatics Concentration consists of 27 hours in financial services courses that include ACCT 2121, ACCT 2122, ECON 2101, ECON 2102, FINN 3120, FINN 3221, FINN 3226, ITCS/ITIS 1301, and ITCS/ITIS 3301; 36 37 hours of courses in informatics. These include ITCS 1212, ITCS 1212L, ITCS 1213, ITCS 1213L, ITCS 1600, ITCS/ITIS 2301, ITCS 3155, ITCS 3160, and ITCS 3688; ITIS 1210, ITIS 2300, ITIS 3130, ITIS 3200, ITIS 3300, and ITIS 4220. There is a 6 hour component in Financial Services Informatics Industry Foundations Capstone I and II. There are nine hours of mathematics and statistics courses, including MATH 1120, STAT 1220, and STAT 2223. A 6 hour block is dedicated to PHIL 1105 and ITIS 2211. Finally, there is a requirement for 6 hours of COMM 2105 and ENGL 2116.


The Computer Science Concentration consists of 4849-51 52 hours of computer science, 3-6 additional hours of ITCS/ITIS at 3000 or above, and 12 hours in mathematics and statistics.

Courses included are: ITCS 1212, 1212L, 1213, 1213L, 1600, 2175, 2214, 2215, 3146, 3155, 3160, 3181, 3181L, 3688, 4102, 12 hours in one of the CS focus areas listed below, 3-6 hours of ITCS 4155, 4232, 4650, 4651, 4990, or 4991 for capstone experience; MATH 1241, 1242, 2164, STAT 2122. PHIL 1105, ITIS 2211, and ENGL 2116 are also required.

A component of 15 semester hours of approved non-computer science courses forming an integrated program of outside concentration must be included. The business outside concentration consists of a prescribed set of courses from the College of Business and one 3000-level course from a restricted set of choices. The mathematics outside concentration consists of 9 semester hours of approved mathematics courses at the 3000 level or above (6 hours of additional electives must be selected in this case). In general, an outside concentration consists of 6 hours at the 3000-level or above, plus an additional 9 hours of approved non-ITCS courses, forming an integrated program of secondary strength.