Request to establish ITCS 1213 + ITCS 1213L and delete ITCS 1215

Date: February 15, 2010
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Julie Putnam, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Governance
Approved On: February 5, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITCS 1215. Introduction to Computer Science II. (3) Prerequisite: ITCS 1212 with a grade of C or better, or permission of the department. An advanced study of programming based on object oriented concepts. Extends the fundamentals studied in ITCS 1212. Includes a study of software design tools and advanced programming constructs, such as UML diagrams, decision tables, recursion, and dynamic storage allocation. Concepts are taught be means of an in-depth study of an object oriented language. (Fall, Spring, Summer) (Evenings) (Internet)

ITCS 1213. Introduction to Computer Science II. (3) Prerequisite: ITCS 1212 with a grade of C or better, or permission of the department. An advanced study of programming based on object-oriented concepts. This course extends the fundamentals studies in ITCS 1212. Concepts are taught by means of an in-depth study of an object-oriented language. The course grade includes the student’s performances in ITCS 1213L. (Fall, Spring, Summer) (Evenings)

ITCS 1213L. Programming Lab II. (0) Corequisite: ITCS 1213. Guided laboratory exercises dealing with programming mechanics; object-oriented design methodology; and the use of computers in problem solving. The lab consists of one laboratory period of three hours per week. Performance in ITCS 1213L will be counted as a portion of the ITCS 1213 grade. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. (Fall, Spring, Summer) (Evenings)