Request to establish an Elementary Education and Special Education K-6 dual major

Date: June 1, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: May 10, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy


SPEL 4000. Topics in Special Education: Dual Seminar. (1) Prerequisite: candidates must be applying to Teacher Education and considering admission to the BA in Elementary and Special Education (K-6) Dual Major Program. This seminar will be used to inform candidates of the licensure requirements, plan of study sequence, field experience requirements and importance of progression through the dual program as outlined in the planning sheet. Candidates will also be introduced to the philosophical foundations of a dual teacher preparation program. (Fall only)

SPEL 4171. Special Education: Consultation and Collaboration in Elementary Schools. (3) Prerequisite: Admission toTeacher Education. The course is designed to providestudents an opportunity to develop their knowledgebase and expertise in consultation and collaborationwith parents, General Education teachers,paraprofessionals, related service personnel, and/orhuman service personnel. This knowledge base includes the development of effective communication skills, understanding the influence of cultural diversity when working with families, professional development goal setting, and effective supervision of paraeducators. (Fall)

SPEL 4477. Special Education General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 (Dual Program).A planned sequence of experiences in the student’s area of specialization conducted in an approved school setting under the supervision and coordination of a university supervisor and a cooperating teacher. During student teaching the student must demonstrate the competencies identified for both the Special Education and Elementary Education teaching fields in an appropriate grade level setting. The student spends approximately 35-40 hours per week in an assigned school setting. In addition, the student participates in six-to-eight on‑campus seminars scheduled throughout the semester. (Spring)


In addition to the traditional Elementary Education K-6 Program, The Department of Special Education and Child Development in collaboration with the Department of Reading and Elementary Education also offers a BA in Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program. The Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program qualifies graduates for an entry-level Standard Professional I license in Special Education General Curriculum K-6 and Elementary Education K-6. Graduates from the dual program will be licensed to teach children with high incidence disabilities in grades K-6 who will take the North Carolina standard end of year accountability test with or without modifications. Additionally, the dual program also qualifies graduates for an entry level position to teach Elementary school learners in grades K-6.

**For a more detailed explanation of the Dual Program please see the Department of Special Education and Child Development section of this catalog.

In addition to the traditional Special Education General and Adaptive K-12 Program options, The Department of Special Education and Child Development in collaboration with the Department of Reading and Elementary Education also offers a BA in Special Education- General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program.The Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program qualifies graduates for an entry-level Standard Professional license in Special Education General Curriculum K-6 and Elementary Education K-6. Graduates from the dual program will be licensed to teach children with high incidence disabilities in grades K-6 who will take the North Carolina standard end of year accountability test with or without modifications. Additionally, the dual program also qualifies graduates for an entry level position to teach Elementary school learners in grades K-6.

Program Objectives. Graduates of the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program are prepared to: provide individually planned, systematically implemented, and carefully evaluated instruction for students with disabilities; provide educational services to students with disabilities in general classrooms, resource classrooms, and other educational settings; and help students with disabilities achieve the greatest possible personal self-sufficiency and success in present and future environments. Graduates of the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program are prepared to meet the 10 INTASC Standards for new teachers in Content Pedagogy, Student Development, Diverse Learners, Multiple Instructional Strategies, Motivation and Management, Communication and Technology, Planning, Assessment, Reflective Practice, and School and Community Involvement.

Requirements. Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program leading to the B.A. degree requires 126 semester hours as follows:

General Education (38 hours). Course options are listed on the program’s Academic Planning Worksheet. Course selections must be initially approved by the student’s Pre-Education advisor in the Office of Student Academic Services and finally approved by the student’s major advisor after admission to the Teacher Education Program in the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program. General Education requirements may also be met through the “Articulation Agreement” with North Carolina Community Colleges.

Professional Education (88 hours)

  • EDUC 2100 An Introduction to Education and Diversity in Schools (3)*
  • SPED 2100 Introduction to Students with Special Needs (3)

*Corequisite (6 Hours) courses EDUC 2100 and SPED 2100 should be taken prior to a student’s sophomore year; both must be completed with a grade of C or better to qualify for admission to the Teacher Education Program in the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program.

Additional Requirement: *SPED 4000 Topics in Special Education – Dual Seminar (1) must be completed during the fall of the student’s sophomore year. This one credit seminar is an important and required introduction to the dual program.

Admission to Teacher Education and advisor’s approval are required in order to register for any of the following courses.

Courses required for licensure in the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program:

  • ELED 3111: Instructional Design and the Use of Technology with Elementary School Learners (2)
  • ELED 3120: The Elementary School Child (3)
  • EXER 3228: Elementary Physical Activity (2)
  • EXER 3229: Elementary Health Education (2)
  • SPED 3100: Introduction to General Curriculum for Students with Special Needs (3)
  • READ 3224: Teaching Reading to Primary Level Learners (3)
  • SPED 3173: Special Education Assessment (3)
  • SPED 3175: Instructional Planning in Special Education (3)
  • MAED 3222: Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Learners, Grades K-2 (3)
  • SPED 4272: Teaching Mathematics to Learners with Special Needs (3)
  • TESL 4202: Inclusive Classrooms for Immigrant Students (3)
  • SPED 4270 Classroom Management (3)
  • ELED 3223: Teaching Social Studies to Elementary School Learners (3)
  • ELED 3221: Teaching Science to Elementary School Learners (3)
  • READ 3226: Teaching Reading to Intermediate Grade Learners (3)
  • MAED 3224: Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Learners Grades 3-6 (3)
  • ELED 3226: Teaching Language Arts to Elementary School Learners (3)
  • SPEL 4171: Special Education: Consultation and Collaboration in Elementary Schools (3)
  • SPED 4275 Teaching Reading to Learners with Special Needs (3)
  • SPED 4277 Teaching Written Expression to Learners with Special Needs (3)
  • ELED 4121: Measuring and Evaluating Learning in the Elementary School Curriculum (3)
  • ELED 4122: Research and Analysis of Teaching Elementary School Learners (3)
  • ELED 4220: Integrating Curriculum for Elementary School Learners (3)
  • SPEL 4477: Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6; Dual Program (15)

Academic Advising. Freshmen and sophomores who intend to apply for the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program are classified as Pre-Education students in the dual program. They are assigned an advisor in the College’s Office of Teacher Education, Advising, and Licensure (TEAL) who helps them select appropriate General Education courses and who helps them meet the requirements for admission to teacher education. To be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program students must have submitted an application to the TEAL office anytime after completion of their freshman year, attained a C or better in EDUC 2100 and SPED 2100, passed all three parts of the Praxis I test, and attained an overall GPA of at least 2.5 in at least 30 semester hours of coursework. In addition, all applicants must submit a professional goals statement detailing their interest in obtaining dual licensure. Applications are available from and are to be returned to TEAL for admission to the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program.

The Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program will accept 30 students per academic year. Once 30 applicants have been accepted into the dual program, the application process will be closed. Students can not apply to the dual program once they have already taken courses in another education program. Applications will be reviewed first by the TEAL Office to determine that minimal acceptance requirements have been met. A second review of applications will occur by the Project Director of the dual program. During the duration of the program students will be advised by the Project Director of the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program and/or the UG Special Education Advisor. Students accepted into the Special Education – General Curriculum and Elementary Education K-6 Dual Program will be required to attend advising sessions each semester during their completion of the program.