The request to establish ECON 3161

Date: November 16, 2011
To: Belk College of Business
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: November 16, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ECON 3161. Game Theory. (3) Prerequisites: (Undergraduate level ECON 2101 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ECON 1201 Minimum Grade of C) and (Undergraduate level ECON 2102 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level ECON 1202 Minimum Grade of C) and (Undergraduate level MATH 1120 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level MATH 1241 Minimum Grade of C or Undergraduate level MATH 1242 Minimum Grade of C) or consent of the instructor. This course is a first course in game theory. The beginning of the course will focus on developing the techniques necessary to solve games. In the latter part of the course game theoretic analysis will be applied to a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, principal agent problems, auctions, and voting. The student can then see how the tools developed early in the course can be applied to a vast array of problems in economics and related disciplines. (Spring)