The request to establish 10 Women’s and Gender Studies courses

Date: May 19, 2011
To: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: April 14, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

WGST 2140. Gender and Sport. (3) This course will explore the gendered nature of sports and the impact of feminist theory on the study of sport. Areas of focus will include historical developments, media and representation, race and ethnicity, masculinity, sexuality, and physicality and power. (On demand)

WGST 2160. Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Studies. (3) The class will provide an overview of historical, sociopolitical, and psychological influences on the development of current day lesbian and gay social movements and cultures. (On demand)

WGST 2170. Gender and Globalization. (3) This course examines how globalization interacts with and influences gender roles around the world. Specific topics include the effect of globalization on the gendered divisions of power, violence, labor, and resources. (On demand)

WGST 2310. Gender, Activism, and Leadership. (3) (W) Students enrolled in this course will select and complete a community activism project focusing on a gender issue. Students will learn the key issues and controversies of past and present feminist/social movements, and what activists are doing today. While exploring the components of ethical leadership, students will learn how to apply classroom theory to the real world around them. (On demand)

WGST 3170. Female Adolescence in Film. (3) This class will study mainstream and independent films that focus on adolescent girls (or the lack thereof) and the sometimes symbiotic relationship between these films and society. (On demand)

WGST 3180. Gender in Hip Hop Culture. (3) This course will examine the roles of gender during the Black Power Movement to the ascendancy of Hip Hop culture in the twenty-first century. This course is designed to introduce students to the patterns of converging and cross cutting racism, nationalism, and feminism that are vitally important to the hip hop generation. (On demand)

WGST 3310. Gender and Sexuality. (3) This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to gender and sexuality studies. Its primary focus is critical perspectives on the social construction of gender and sexuality, inequalities based on gender and sexuality, activism around issues of gender and sexuality, and how gender and sexuality shape and are shaped by other systems of inequality. (On demand)

WGST 4150. Gender, Science and Technology. (3) This course examines selected issues related to women and gender in science and technology. Specific topics will include the role of women in science, the impact of science and technology on women, and feminist critiques of science and technology. (On demand)

WGST 4160. Race, Sexuality, and the Body. (3) This course examines how biological, historical, and cultural interpretations of race and gender influenced and characterized definitions of sexuality and body image among persons of color.(On demand)

WGST 4170. Queer Theory. (3) Introduction to key issues in queer theory, a field of studies that questions and redefines the identity politics of early lesbian and gay studies. Queer theory investigates the socially constructed nature of identity and sexuality and critiques normalizing ways of knowing and being. (On demand)