The request to designate LBST 2215 (Middle, Secondary, and K-12 sections) as a “SL” course

Date: October 3, 2011
To: University College
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: October 3, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

LBST 2215. Citizenship. (3) (SL) A study of the concept of citizenship as it has evolved in different cultures with an emphasis on scholarly understandings of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Includes an examination of the ethical dimensions of citizenship in political, social, and religious contexts. The course includes a service component that allows students to explore the relations of citizenship and public service. During the semester the course meets a total of 27 hours for classroom lectures and discussions and requires completion of 25 hours of voluntary service in the community. May not be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring)