The request to cross-list CSLG 7141 with new course CSLG 8141

Date: March 11, 2016
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: February 17, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2016

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

CSLG 7141- The professional School Counselor. Credit Hours: (3)

An introduction to the profession of school counseling using the ASCA National Model as a basis for practice and program development. To support the school academic mission, students identify the necessary skills needed for the integration of various counseling activities that will include classroom guidance, individual and group counseling, consultation, program design, and coordinating school and community resources. Students also begin developing their professional School Counselor E-portfolio.

Cross-listed with: CSLG 8141

CSLG 8141- The professional School Counselor. Credit Hours: (3)

An introduction to the profession of school counseling using the ASCA National Model as a basis for practice and program development. To support the school academic mission, students identify the necessary skills needed for the integration of various counseling activities that will include classroom guidance, individual and group counseling, consultation, program design, and coordinating school and community resources. Students also begin developing their professional School Counselor E-portfolio.

Cross-listed with: CSLG 7141