The request to create ITIS 6520/8520

Date: June 14, 2013
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: May 22, 2013
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2013

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITIS 6520. Network Science. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 8520. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or department approval. Network Science helps students design faster, more resilient communication networks; revise infrastructure systems such as electrical power grids, telecommunications networks, and airline routes; model market dynamics; understand synchronization in biological systems; and analyze social interactions among people. It examines the various kinds of networks (regular, random, small-world, influence, scale-free, and social) and applies network processes and behaviors to emergence, epidemics, synchrony, and risk. The course integrates concepts across computer science, biology, physics, social network analysis, economics, and marketing. The course includes 3 credit lectures. (On demand)

ITIS 8520. Network Science. (3) Cross-listed as ITIS 6520. Prerequisite: Full graduate standing or department approval. Network Science helps students design faster, more resilient communication networks; revise infrastructure systems such as electrical power grids, telecommunications networks, and airline routes; model market dynamics; understand synchronization in biological systems; and analyze social interactions among people. It examines the various kinds of networks (regular, random, small-world, influence, scale-free, and social) and applies network processes and behaviors to emergence, epidemics, synchrony, and risk. The course integrates concepts across computer science, biology, physics, social network analysis, economics, and marketing. The course includes 3 credit lectures. (On demand)