The request to confirm the equivalency of MBAD 6202 to MBAD 6124

Date: May 20, 2011
To: Belk College of Business
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: April 21, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The MBA program proposes to confirm that MBAD 6202 (Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design, and Management), which replaced MBAD 6124 (Business Information Systems Development), are equivalent courses.

When the course number for MBAD 6202 was changed from its previous course number (MBAD 6124) several years ago (see approval memo from February 24, 2004) it was not noted that the courses were the same on the proposal. We have a former student who took the course as MBAD 6124 and subsequently retook the course as MBAD 6202.

For the Registrar’s Office to exclude the previous grade from his GPA calculation, it must be noted in Banner that these courses are equivalent. To do this, the Registrar’s Office has instructed me that it must be documented via short form revision.