The request to close the Minor in Information Science, Certificate in Computer Programming, and Certificate in Computer Architecture

Date: April 26, 2011
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: March 2, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

(Only the portion of the catalog involving changes through this proposal is shown)

Delete the following sections from the Undergraduate Catalog:


Requirements for the minor in Information Science include completion of 24 hours of computer science: ITCS 1212, 1212L, 1213, 1213L, 2175, 2214, 3112, 3146, 3155, and 3160.


The Department of Computer Science offers a certificate in Computer Programming to non-Computer Science majors. A certificate will be awarded by the Department of Computer Science to post-baccalaureate students (students having earned a bachelor’s degree in any field, with one semester of calculus, who have enrolled with the graduate school as a post-baccalaureate student) who have completed the course requirements listed below:

• ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computing I

• ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I

• ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computing II

• ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II

• ITCS 2175 Logic and Algorithms

• ITCS 2214 Data Structures

• ITCS 2215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

• ITCS 3112 Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Systems

• ITCS 3155 Software Engineering

• ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation OR ITCS 4145 Parallel Computing


The Department of Computer Science offers a certificate in Computer Architecture to non-Computer Science majors. A certificate will be awarded by the Department of Computer Science to post baccalaureate students (students having earned a bachelor’s degree in any field, with one semester of calculus, who have enrolled with the graduate school as a post-baccalaureate student), who have completed the course requirements listed below:

• ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computing I

• ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I

• ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computing II

•/del> ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II

• ITCS 2214 Data Structures

• ITCS 3146 Operating Systems & Networks

• ITCS 3181 Logic & Computer Systems

• ITCS 3181L Computer Systems Lab and Recitation

• ITCS 3183 Hardware Systems Design

• ITCS 4145 Parallel Computing

• ITCS 4181 Microcomputer Interfacing