The request to change the course titles of CSLG 6150 and 7170

Date: May 17, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: April 21, 2010
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

CSLG 6150. Career and Lifestyle DevelopmentCareer Development and Counseling. (3) A counseling-oriented course designed to help the counselor and/or career education teacher develop the ability to use career information with emphasis on understanding of occupational information, systems of collection and usage forms. (Spring, Summer)

CSLG 7170. Community Counseling and ManagementIntroduction to Clincal Mental Health. (3) Counseling in community agency settings, including theroles and functions of a professional counselor, assessing theneeds of an agency population and the interworkings ofvarious agencies and agency networks. (Summer, Fall)