The request to add FINN 3400 to restricted elective courses of all three concentrations in the B.S.B.A. in Finance
Date: February 29, 2016
To: Belk College of Business
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: February 15, 2016
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Summer 2016
Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.
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Finance, Finance Concentration, B.S.B.A. |
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Additional Admission Requirements
To be accepted into this major and to progress into the upper-division of the College, a student must meet the Progression Requirements in the PRE-ACCOUNTING, PRE-BUSINESS, and PRE-ECONOMICS section. This major requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must complete the General Education Requirements of the University and the Progression, Core, and Major Requirements of the Belk College of Business.
Degree Requirements
The following courses are required for a B.S.B.A. degree in Finance with a Concentration in Finance. Students may attempt each of these courses two times.
General Education Courses (37-43 credit hours)
For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program.
Business Core Courses (27 credit hours)
- BLAW 3150 – Business Law I (3)
- COMM 3160 – Business Communications (3)
- ECON 3125 – Managerial Economics (3)
- FINN 3120 – Financial Management (3)
- INFO 3130 – Management Information Systems (3)
- MGMT 3140 – Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGMT 3280 – Strategic Management (3)
- MKTG 3110 – Marketing Concepts (3)
- OPER 3100 – Operations Management (3)
Major Courses (6 credit hours)
Restricted Elective Courses (9 credit hours)
Select 2-3 of the following courses:
- BLAW 3250 – Business Law II (3)
- FINN 3221 – Financial Institutions and Markets (3)
- FINN 3223 – International Financial Management (3)
- FINN 3224 – Applied Business Finance (3)
- FINN 3225 – Commercial Bank Management (3)
- FINN 3261 – Real Estate Finance (3)
- FINN 3271 – Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (3)
- FINN 3272 – Life Insurance and Professional Financial Planning (3)
- FINN 4159 – Student Managed Investment Fund II (3)
Select one of the following courses if only two courses selected above:
- ACCT 3311 – Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3)
- ECON 3112 – Econometrics (3)
- ECON 3115 – Money and Banking (3)
- FINN 3400 – Finance Internship (3)
- FINN 3800 – Directed Study (1-3) (Chair approval required)
- OPER 3204 – Management of Service and Project Operations (3)
Unrestricted Elective Courses
As needed.
Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Grade Requirements
To obtain this degree, students must meet the University requirements of a GPA of at least 2.0 overall and in the courses for the major. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Progression, Core, and Major Courses. When students repeat a course, both the old and new grades are included in the major and overall GPA. Courses repeated under the Grade Replacement Policy are excluded from the major and overall GPA computation. However, this repeated course does count as an attempt. Students must also meet the Belk College of Business residency requirements listed under the “Degree Requirements” heading on the main College of Business page.
Honors Program
For details about the Business Honors Program, visit the program page.
Suggested Curriculum
For a suggested curriculum progression toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at
Finance, Finance/Accounting Joint Concentration, B.S.B.A. |
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Additional Admission Requirements
To be accepted into this major and to progress into the upper-division of the College, a student must meet the Progression Requirements in the PRE-ACCOUNTING, PRE-BUSINESS, and PRE-ECONOMICS section. This major requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must complete the General Education Requirements of the University and the Progression, Core, and Major Requirements of the Belk College of Business.
Degree Requirements
The following courses are required for a B.S.B.A. degree in Finance with a joint Finance/Accounting Concentration. Students may attempt each of these courses two times.
General Education Courses (37-43 credit hours)
For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program.
Business Core Courses (27 credit hours)
- BLAW 3150 – Business Law I (3)
- COMM 3160 – Business Communications (3)
- ECON 3125 – Managerial Economics (3)
- FINN 3120 – Financial Management (3)
- INFO 3130 – Management Information Systems (3)
- MGMT 3140 – Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGMT 3280 – Strategic Management (3)
- MKTG 3110 – Marketing Concepts (3)
- OPER 3100 – Operations Management (3)
Major Courses (12 credit hours)
- FINN 3222 – Investments (3)
- FINN 3226 – Financial Theory and Practice (3)
- ACCT 3311 – Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3)
- ACCT 3312 – Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3)
Restricted Elective Courses (6 credit hours)
Select two of the following:
- ACCT 3330 – Managerial Cost Accounting (3)
- ACCT 3350 – Introduction to Auditing (3)
- ACCT 3380 – Fraud Examination (3)
- ACCT 4220 – Income Tax (3)
- BLAW 3250 – Business Law II (3)
- ECON 3112 – Econometrics (3)
- FINN 3221 – Financial Institutions and Markets (3)
- FINN 3223 – International Financial Management (3)
- FINN 3224 – Applied Business Finance (3)
- FINN 3225 – Commercial Bank Management (3)
- FINN 3400 – Finance Internship (3)
- FINN 3800 – Directed Study (1-3) (Department Chair approval required)
Unrestricted Elective Courses
As needed.
Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Grade Requirements
To obtain this degree, students must meet the University requirements of a GPA of at least 2.0 overall and in the courses for the major. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Progression, Core, and Major Courses. When students repeat a course, both the old and new grades are included in the major and overall GPA. Courses repeated under the Grade Replacement Policy are excluded from the major and overall GPA computation. However, this repeated course does count as an attempt. Students must also meet the Belk College of Business residency requirements listed under the “Degree Requirements” heading on the main College of Business page.
Honors Program
For details about the Business Honors Program, visit the program page.
Suggested Curriculum
For a suggested curriculum progression toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at
Finance, Risk Management and Insurance Concentration, B.S.B.A. |
Return to: Catalog Search
Additional Admission Requirements
To be accepted into this major and to progress into the upper-division of the College, a student must meet the Progression Requirements in the PRE-ACCOUNTING, PRE-BUSINESS, and PRE-ECONOMICS section. This major requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students must complete the General Education Requirements of the University and the Progression, Core, and Major Requirements of the Belk College of Business.
Degree Requirements
The following courses are required for a B.S.B.A. degree in Finance with a Risk Management and Insurance Concentration. Students may attempt each of these courses two times.
General Education Courses (37-43 credit hours)
For details on required courses, refer to the General Education program.
Business Core Courses (27 credit hours)
- BLAW 3150 – Business Law I (3)
- COMM 3160 – Business Communications (3)
- ECON 3125 – Managerial Economics (3)
- FINN 3120 – Financial Management (3)
- INFO 3130 – Management Information Systems (3)
- MGMT 3140 – Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGMT 3280 – Strategic Management (3)
- MKTG 3110 – Marketing Concepts (3)
- OPER 3100 – Operations Management (3)
Major Courses (12 credit hours)
- FINN 3271 – Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (3)
- FINN 3272 – Life Insurance and Professional Financial Planning (3)
- FINN 3273 – Property and Casualty (3)
- FINN 3275 – Advanced Risk Management (3)
Restricted Elective Courses (3 credit hours)
Select one of the following:
- FINN 3222 – Investments (3)
- FINN 3276 – Employee Benefits (3)
- FINN 3277 – Legal Aspects of Insurance (3)
- FINN 3400 – Finance Internship (3)
- FINN 3800 – Directed Study (1-3) (Department Chair approval required)
- MGMT 3277 – Entrepreneurship (3)
- MKTG 3226 – Sales and Negotiations (3)
Unrestricted Elective Courses
As needed.
Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Grade Requirements
To obtain this degree, students must meet the University requirements of a GPA of at least 2.0 overall and in the courses for the major. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Progression, Core, and Major Courses. When students repeat a course, both the old and new grades are included in the major and overall GPA. Courses repeated under the Grade Replacement Policy are excluded from the major and overall GPA computation. However, this repeated course does count as an attempt. Students must also meet the Belk College of Business residency requirements listed under the “Degree Requirements” heading on the main College of Business page.
Honors Program
For details about the Business Honors Program, visit the program page.
Suggested Curriculum
For a suggested curriculum progression toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at