Second Round of Changes to the Faculty Constitution

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues,

Last month you voted overwhelmingly to make a series of minor changes and updates to the Faculty Constitution. There was a 43% return rate for the ballot, with 94% voting in favor. Thank you for taking your time to read and consider those changes.

As you probably know, the Faculty Executive Committee will be proposing two more rounds of revisions to the governing documents of the faculty, which include the Constitution and the Standing Rules of Faculty Council. The first round will be taking place this Spring, and the final round next year. These revisions are all intended to enhance the Faculty Governance system’s effectiveness as a vital part of the university’s operation.

The most significant revision being proposed this year is the lengthening of the term of the Faculty Council President from one year to two years. Many of our colleagues who have served in this position have concluded that a one-year term does not provide the kind of continuity and experience the Faculty Council leadership needs in order to work effectively with the university administration in advancing the interests of our students, our faculty colleagues, and the institution more generally. If approved by the faculty, the first election under the new rules would take place in Spring of 2016.

Most of the other currently proposed revisions to the Constitution and the Standing Rules follow directly from this change in the term of service of the Faculty Council President. You will find on the second page of the attached documents a summary, in green, of the proposed changes. These documents are attached below.

These revisions were introduced to the Faculty Council at its meeting on 19 February, and are being sent to you now so you can discuss them with your colleagues. Please talk either individually or collectively with your department’s representative to the Faculty Council. At its meeting on 26 March, the Faculty Council will discuss the revisions and vote on whether or not to recommend them for adoption.

If they approve the changes, you will be receiving an e-mailed link to a ballot in early April asking you to vote on the revisions to the Constitution. If the Constitutional changes are approved by the faculty ballot, the Faculty Council will then discuss and vote on the proposed revisions to the Standing Rules at its last meeting of the year on 23 April.

If you have questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know. You can reach me directly at, or at 7-5092.

With thanks and best wishes,


  • Faculty Constitution Proposed Revision March 2015 version.pdf
  • Standing Rules Proposed Revision March 2015 version.pdf