University Convocation to be held August 19

Categories: News

The University Convocation will be held on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. in McKnight Hall of the Cone University Center. Preceding the Convocation from 9:00-9:30 a.m., faculty, staff, and students are invited to enjoy coffee and refreshments in the McKnight Hall lobby area.

The University Convocation has become the occasion for senior administrators, faculty, staff, and students to gather to hear statements about the major long-term goals and values of the campus. It also provides an opportunity to address major immediate plans and issues confronting us for the upcoming year as perceived by the senior administration, including the provost and myself, as well as the presidents of the faculty, staff, and student body.

In addition, this event is used to recognize certain groups of individuals. We welcome new members of the faculty and professional staff, and recognize the accomplishments of those who have been granted permanent tenure. Individual recognition is given to members of the faculty who have been promoted to full professor, and members of the faculty who this year complete 25 years of service to the University are honored. The newest Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professor in Teaching also will be introduced.

In 1994, the faculty voted to hold a General Faculty Meeting following the Convocation. The General Faculty Meeting is in the form of a question and answer session with Faculty President Gregory Starrett (presiding), Provost Joan Lorden, and Chancellor Philip Dubois. All members of the campus community are welcome to remain for this meeting and to participate in the conversation.

Visit the University Convocations webpage for additional details.