Faculty Welfare: Town Halls and New Resources for all Faculty

Categories: News

The UNC Charlotte Faculty Welfare Committee (a committee of the university faculty council) invites you to help us identify opportunities to improve faculty welfare. Please join us for a Zoom town hall discussion focused on faculty wellbeing for an opportunity to discuss challenges you or others have faced as faculty at UNC Charlotte, as well as suggestions for improving faculty morale and welfare more generally. We plan to develop a survey from these responses to help us understand broader trends next semester. Dates and times (please only attend the most relevant town hall, and use the form below if you can’t attend it):

  • Full time, non-tenure track faculty at 7-8pm, Monday Oct 30 (Zoom Link)
  • Part time/adjunct, non-tenure track faculty at 6-7pm, Thursday Nov 2 (Zoom Link)
  • Tenure track faculty, untenured, at 7-8pm, Wednesday, Nov 1 (Zoom Link)
  • Tenure track faculty, tenured, at 7:30-8:30pm, Thursday Nov 2 (Zoom Link)

If you are unable to join us for a live town hall, you can still provide feedback anonymously and confidentially through this form (this differs from other faculty surveys, like COACHE in asking about specific concerns): https://surveys.qualtrics.charlotte.edu/jfe/form/SV_eEXIxkRziVQgA8S We also want to share a resource developed over two years, originally by Heather Freeman and the 2021-2022 Faculty Welfare Committee, that gives suggestions for handling faculty issues like harassment, bullying, discrimination, and other concerns (both a short guide, and a more detailed guide are below) – these have been reviewed by Scott Deyo (ombudsperson) and the legal office on campus for accuracy. Short version:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1omIb3Wd564MBHLQ3tHpqsRmqPHOGq33xXY5flI4Re10/edit?usp=sharing Long version:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zALxsPhnTTrXPTtsb6a8Ps4b9-cOR3c2lRpsvUsocxo/edit?usp=sharing Thanks for your support and everything you do to make UNC Charlotte great, Nicole Peterson, chair of the Faculty Welfare Committee