
Easy Lecture Capture in All Classrooms

Categories: News

Easy Lecture Capture in All Classrooms Faculty, Did you know that you already have the tools you need to capture and publish your class lectures to Canvas? Using Zoom and Canvas you can easily record and publish your class lectures for students who may miss in-person classes due to isolation or quarantine. Providing recorded lectures […]

Call for Nominations for 2022-2023 Faculty Governance Positions

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues, The Faculty of UNC Charlotte are charged with the responsibility for making policy decisions regarding the curriculum, academic standards, and the allocation of internal research funds. We are also charged with important advisory responsibilities regarding our working schedule and conditions, the university budget, facilities planning, administrative appointments, and other elements of institutional policy […]

Additional Raise Opportunities Announced

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues: Before we conclude the Fall 2021 semester, I want to make sure you saw the announcement from the Chancellor about an additional opportunity for merit increases for EHRA employees and compression and equity adjustments for SHRA employees. This compensation opportunity is in addition to the 2.5% (FY 2022), 2.5% (FY 2023) and bonus […]

The Faculty Approved Expansion of the Faculty Executive Committee

Categories: News

The Faculty approved, via electronic ballot, revisions to the Constitution of the Faculty that expand the Faculty Executive Committee to include the College Faculty Presidents/Chairs and the Library Faculty President. The revision to the Constitution of the Faculty was endorsed by the Faculty Council at its October 28th, 2021 meeting and approved by the Faculty […]

Compensation Town Hall and Listening Session with Chancellor Gaber and Provost Lorden (recorded)

Categories: News

The Faculty Council’s Faculty Employment Status Committee (FESC) is hosting a Virtual Town Hall and Listening Session with Chancellor Gaber and Provost Lorden regarding concerns about compensation on Thursday, December 9 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Recording of this meeting can be found here. Please see below for the zoom link and the opportunity […]

Call for Nominations for Honorary Degrees

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues and Associates: One of the highlights of UNC Charlotte’s Commencement is the recognition of individuals for exceptional and distinctive service to the University or the larger community with an honorary degree from UNC Charlotte. On behalf of the Nominations, Honors, and Awards Committee, I am asking your assistance in nominating persons for this […]

Call for Nominations for the 2021-2022 O. Max Gardner Award

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues, I’m writing to ask for your help in identifying potential faculty nominees for the 2021-2022 O. Max Gardner Award. This award is given annually by the UNC Board of Governors to “that member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest contribution […]

Please share with your students, SGA positions

Categories: News

Please share the following information with your students: Hi Niners! My name is Abigail Warren, and I currently serve as Attorney General for the Student Government Association. One of my major responsibilities is promoting and supervising our fall elections. This year we have over 30 spots available, including various different Senate positions as well as […]

COVID-related class concerns

Categories: News

Dear colleagues, During University Convocation, we heard that some faculty with documented needs were unaware of the process that is in place to address concerns about in-person classes. While department chairs accommodated many of the needs of faculty that were known in spring when the class schedule was built, circumstances can change. We want to […]

Faculty Assembly recommendations regarding COVID-19

Categories: News

Linked here is a copy of the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee’s recommendations for managing the pandemic on campus as we prepare to start the Fall Semester.