Course, Curriculum, and Catalog Management System Teams

Academic Advisory Team

The Academic Advisory Team advised the Implementation Team as the Course, Curriculum, and Catalog Management System was conceptualized and developed, and are the primary contacts for the colleges/committees. The Advisory Team members are expected to consult with the departments and units in their colleges and any relevant committees to consider issues of implementation, and consider policy and procedural implications of the project.

Lee Gray

College of Arts + Architecture

Jennifer Hurlbert

Belk College of Business

Ken Chen

College of Computing and Informatics

Kelly Anderson (Hank Harris: Summer 2014)

College of Education
Faculty Representative: Graduate
Graduate Council

Ron Smelser

William States Lee College of Engineering

Erik Wikstrom (Jane Neese: Summer 2014)

College of Health and Human Services

Shawn Long (Charlie Brody: Summer 2014 – Spring 2015)

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Henrietta Thomas

University College

Susan Sell

Graduate School

Stephanie Otis

Atkins Library

Drew Polly (Laura Hart: Summer 2014)

Faculty Representative: Undergraduate
Faculty Information and Technology Services Advisory Committee

Kim Harris

Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee

Leslie Zenk

Office of Academic Affairs

Eric Klee

Office of Academic Affairs

Matt Wyse

Office of Academic Affairs

Chris Knauer

Office of the Registrar

Carrie McMahon

Office of the Registrar

Elizabeth Mullis

Office of the Registrar

Shirley Joyner

Business Analyst (ITS)

Maria Arrington-Ferguson

Project Manager (ITS)

Acalog Implementation Team

Lee Gray

College of Arts + Architecture

Shirley Joyner

Business Analyst (ITS)

Eric Klee

Office of Academic Affairs

Carrie McMahon

Office of the Registrar

Susan Sell

Graduate School

Ron Smelser

William States Lee College of Engineering

Leslie Zenk

Office of Academic Affairs

Curriculog Implementation Team

Kelly Anderson Graduate Council/College of Education

Shawn Long (Charlie Brody: Summer 2014 – Spring 2015)

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Kim Harris

Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee

Shirley Joyner

Business Analyst (ITS)

Chris Knauer

Office of the Registrar

Susan Sell

Graduate School

Erik Wikstrom (Jane Neese: Summer 2014)

College of Health and Human Services

Matt Wyse

Office of Academic Affairs

Leslie Zenk

Office of Academic Affairs

Communication Sub-Committee

Charlie Brody

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Eric Klee

Office of Academic Affairs

Cindy Tribucher

Web Communications

Leslie Zenk

Office of Academic Affairs