The request to revise Counseling PhD

Date: June 3, 2016
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: May 10, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Degree Requirements and Course


Year One


CSLG 8100 Advanced Counseling Theories (3)

CSLG 8105 Doctoral Seminar (1)

CSLG 8345 Advanced Multicultural Counseling


RSCH 8210 Applied Research Methods (3)


CSLG 8431 Doctoral Practicum in Counseling (3)

CSLG 8346 Applied Multicultural Counseling (3)

RSCH 8110 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics


CSLG 8106 Advanced Multicultural Career

Counseling (1)

Elective Course (3)


Elective Course (3)

Year Two


CSLG 8110 Clinical Supervision in Counseling


CSLG 8203 Instructional Theories (3)

RSCH 8120 Advanced Statistics (3)

Elective Course (3)


CSLG 8410 Practicum in Clinical Supervision (3)

CSLG 8998 Prospectus Design (3)

RSCH 8140 Multivariate Statistics (3)

RSCH 8111 Qualitative Methods (3)

Elective Course (3)


CSLG 8999 Dissertation (1-9)

Year Three


CSLG 8440 Doctoral Clinical Internship (3)

CSLG 8107 Advanced Group Seminar (1)

CSLG 8999 Dissertation (1-9)


CSLG 8445 Doctoral Internship: Counselor

Education and/or Supervision (3)

CSLG 8107 Advanced Group Seminar (1)

CSLG 8999 Dissertation (1-9)

Core Courses:

CSLG 8105 Doctoral Seminar (1 credit)

CSLG 8106 Advanced Multicultural Career Counseling (1 credit)

CSLG 8107 Advanced Group Seminar (1 credit)

CSLG 8100 Advanced Counseling Theory Seminar (3 credits)

CSLG 8110 Clinical Supervision in Counseling (3 credits)

CSLG 8203 Instructional Theory in Counselor Education (3 credits)

CSLG 8345 Advanced Multicultural Counseling (3 credits)

CSLG 8346 Applied Multicultural Counseling (3 credits)

CSLG 8998 Seminar in Prospectus Design (3 credits)

Clinical Courses:

CSLG 8431 Doctoral Practicum in Counseling (3 credits)

CSLG 8440 Doctoral Internship: Counseling (3 credits)

CSLG 8442 Doctoral Internship: Supervision (3 credits)

CSLG 8445 Doctoral Internship: Teaching (3 credits)

Research Courses:

RSCH 8210 Applied Research Methods (3 credits)

RSCH 8110 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics (3 credits)

RSCH 8120 Advanced Statistics (3 credits)

RSCH 8140 Multivariate Statistics (3 credits)

RSCH 8111 Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)

CSLG 8999 Dissertation (at least 9 credits)

Elective Courses (Minimum of two elective courses. If students chose courses that are not within the ranges CSLG 7000-8999 or RSCH 7000-8999, with the approval of their Doctoral Advisory Committee, they must submit an Academic Petition requesting the change.)

CSLG 8445 – Doctoral Internship: Counselor Education and/or Supervision Teaching

Credit Hours: (3)

Students deliver counselor education and/or supervision in a field setting and receive individual and group supervision of their work weekly. A minimum of 300 clock hours is required. Graded on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis.