Call for Nominations for 2024-2025 University-Wide Faculty Governance Positions

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues,

The Faculty of UNC Charlotte are charged with the responsibility for making policy decisions regarding the curriculum, academic standards, and the allocation of internal research funds. We are also charged with important advisory responsibilities regarding our working schedule and conditions, the university budget, facilities planning, administrative appointments, and other elements of institutional policy and operation that touch us directly and indirectly. These responsibilities are conducted through a system of shared governance.

Please consider how you and others you respect and who might be willing could become part of the shared governance process at UNC Charlotte. Nominate yourself or another qualified faculty member for any of the following openings. This form of service to the institution is the most direct way to further your long-term interests, those of the faculty at large, and the viability of your discipline. A brief description of each committee listed below can be found at:

PLEASE NOTE: This call to ‘Nominate and Elect Faculty’ is for positions that are University-wide. There are other faculty governance positions (members of Faculty Council standing committees, Faculty Council representatives, etc.) that are elected college-wide or department-wide and those units will handle their own election processes.

To make a nomination for one or more of these University-wide positions, email with your nomination(s) for the appropriate positions. Please submit all nominations by March 29, 2024.

  • President-Elect**, four-year term (1 yr. President-Elect, 2 yrs. President, 1 yr. Past President)
  • Chair**, Competitive Grants Committee (CGC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Faculty Academic Policy and Standards Committee (FAPSC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Faculty Advisory Summer Sessions Committee (FASSC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Faculty Legacy Scholarship Committee (FLSC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Faculty Research Grants Committee (FRGC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Faculty Welfare Committee (FWC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Nominations, Honors, and Awards Committee (NHAC), two-year term
  • Chair**, Part-Time Faculty Committee (PTFC), one-year term
  • Chair**, Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee (UCCC), two-year term
  • Chair**, University College Faculty Council (UCFC), two-year term
  • Grievance Committee Member**: Three (3) members, four-year term
  • Hearing Committee Member**: Seven (7) members, four-year term
  • Teaching Excellence Awards Committee Member**, two-year term
  • Teaching Excellence Awards Committee Member (non-tenure track)~, two-year term

** Nominees must be tenured members of the Faculty.
~ Nominees must be non-tenure track faculty.

If you would like to ask about any of these positions, please contact me or Faculty Governance Assistant Matt Wyse.

All the best,

–Eddy Souffrant

  • Chair, Nominations, Honors, and Awards Committee
  • Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Africana Studies Department