Request to establish a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Information Technology

Date: June 12, 2009
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Julie Putnam, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Governance
Approved On: May 26, 2009
Implementation Date: 2009

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Graduate Certificate Program in Health Care Information Technology

The purpose of the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Information Technology is to train individuals in the management of health and medical information and its secure exchange between consumers and providers. The certificate requires twelve (12) credit-hours of coursework and a three (3) credit-hour internship, for a total of fifteen (15) graduate credit hours. The certificate may be pursued concurrently with a related graduate degree program at UNC Charlotte.

Admission Requirements

For admission into the certificate program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree in related field, including, but not limited to, a life science, health science, health administration, business administration, or computing discipline.

  2. Knowledge of applications of information technology, including an understanding of computers, data base management, and basic programming skills.

Program Requirements

The following two courses comprise the required core:

  • ITIS 6200 – Principles of Information Security and Privacy (3)
  • HADM 6100 – Introduction to the US Health Care System (3)

One additional informatics course from the following list of electives is required:

  • ITIS 5160 – Applied Database (3)
  • ITIS 5166 – Network-Based Application Development (3)
  • ITIS 5300 – Advance Web Client Design (3)
  • ITIS 6400 – Principles of Human Computer Interaction (3)
  • ITIS 6410 – Personalization and Recommender Systems
  • ITCS 6160 – Database Systems (3)
  • ITCS 6163 – Data Warehousing (3)
  • ITCS 6162 – Knowledge Discovery in Databases (3)

One additional health administration course from the following list of electives is required:

  • HADM 6104 – Health and Disease (3)
  • HADM 6108 – Decision Analysis in Health Care (3)
  • HADM 6134 – Quality and Outcomes Management in Health Care (3)
  • HADM 6146 – Information Resources Management (3)
  • HADM 6150 – Health Law and Ethics (3)

Students must complete an internship:

  • ITIS 6198 IT – Internship Project (3)


  • HADM 6400 – Internship (3)

Transfer credits cannot be applied to this certificate program.