Request to establish MDLG 4440 (Student Teaching/Seminar: 6-9 Middle Grades Education

Date: October 7, 2009
To: College of Education
From: Julie Putnam, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Governance
Approved On: September 28, 2009
Implementation Date: 2009

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

MDLG 4440. Student Teaching/Seminar: 6-9 Middle Grades Education. (12) (O) Prerequisite: completion of all coursework, and departmental approval of an application for Student Teaching. Corequisite: MDSK 4150. A planned sequence of experiences in the student’s two areas of content specialization conducted in approved middle school setting under the supervision and coordination of a university supervisor and an on-site cooperating teacher. During student teaching the student must demonstrate the competencies identified for his/her specific teaching fields in appropriate grade-level settings. Approximately 35-40 hours per week in an assigned school setting, teaching in two areas of concentration with up to eight seminars scheduled throughout the semester. (Fall, Spring)