Request to revise Undergraduate Middle Grades Education Program

Date: May 20, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: April 21, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

MDSK 4150. Assessment, Reflection, and Management Practices. (3) Corequisite for Middle Grades Majors: MDLG 4440. Corequisitesfor Secondary Education Minors: SECD 4451, 4452, 4453, or 4454. Concepts, methods, and practices used by effective teachers in their daily classroom routine, including assessment, reflection, classroom and behavior management. Course may be taught on site at a Professional Development School. Includes 30 hours of field experiences. (Fall, Spring)

EDUC 4291. Modifying Instruction for Learners with Diverse Needs in Middle/Secondary Schools. (3) Prerequisites for Middle Grades Majors: EDUC 2100, SPED 2100, MDSK 3151, and MDLG 3130. Corequisites for Middle Grades Majors: One of the following: MDSK 4251, MDSK 4253, ENGL 4254, or MAED 4252. Prerequisites for Secondary Education Minors: MDSK 2100, MDSK 3151, and SECD 4140. Corequisites for Secondary Education Minors: READ 3255 and one of the following: MDSK 4251, MDSK 4253, ENGL 4254, or MAED 4252. Strategies for adapting standard instruction to meet the learning needs of all members of middle or secondary classrooms, including students at risk for school failure, individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, gifted learners, and students with disabilities. (Fall, Spring, Summer)


The B.A. program in Middle Grades Education qualifies graduates for an entry-level (“A”) license to teach two of the following four content areas in grades 6-9: English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies.

Program Objectives. Graduates of the program are prepared to: implement a middle grades philosophy to its fullest intent; design curriculum that is integrated, competency- and technology-based, and relevant to students’ future academic and career expectations; transform their knowledge of two disciplines so they are accessible to middle grades students; use teaching methods appropriate to the unique developmental needs of early adolescents; make informed decisions about curricular issues and instructional practices in middle grades education; demonstrate pervasive caring and innovative leadership in their work with students and colleagues; and function as lifelong learners.

Requirements. The major in Middle Grades Education leading to the B.A. degree requires 120-128 semester hours as follows:

General Education (hours vary). Course options are listed on the program’s Academic Planning Worksheet. Course selections must be initially approved by the student’s Pre-Education advisor in the Office of Teacher Education Advising and Licensure (TEAL) and finally approved by the student’s major advisor after admission to the Teacher Education Program in Middle Grades Education.

Academic Concentrations (41-48 hours). Academic Concentrations are required in two of the following four subject areas relevant to a middle grades classroom:

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies

The required and elective courses in each Academic Concentration are listed on the program’s Academic Planning Worksheet. Course selections must be initially approved by the student’s Pre-Education advisor in the Office of Teacher Education Advising and Licensure (TEAL) and finally approved by the student’s major advisor after admission to the Teacher Education Program in Middle Grades Education.

Professional Education (48 hours)
  • EDUC 2100 An Introduction to Education and Diversity in Schools (3)*
  • SPED 2100 Introduction to Students with Special Needs (3)*

Admission to Teacher Education and advisor’s approval are required in order to register for any of the following courses. See Academic Planning Worksheet in department for course sequence.

  • EDUC 4290 Modifying Instruction for Learners with Diverse Needs (2)
  • EDUC 4291. Modifying Instruction for Learners with Diverse Needs in Middle/Secondary Schools. (3)
  • EXER 2290 First Aid (3)
  • MDLG 3130 The Early Adolescent Learner (4)
  • MDLG 3131 The Philosophy and Curriculum of Middle Grades Education (4)
  • MDSK 3150 Research and Analysis of Teaching Middle School Learners (3) (W)
  • MDSK 4150 Assessment, Reflection, and Management Practices. (3)
  • READ 3255 Integrating Reading and Writing Across Content Areas. (W) (3)
  • MDSK 3151 Instructional Design and Use of Technology with Middle and Secondary School Learners (3)

Two of the following courses according to the selected areas of concentration:

  • ENGL 4254 Teaching English/Communication Skills to Middle and Secondary School Learners (3)
  • MAED 3232 Teaching Mathematics to Middle School Learners (3)
  • MDSK 4251 Teaching Science to Middle and Secondary School Learners (3) and/or
  • MDSK 4253 Teaching Social Studies to Middle and Secondary School Learners (3) and/or


  • MDLG 4430 4440 Student Teaching/Seminar: 6-9 Middle Grades (15) (12)**