Request to revise the Elementary Education (K-6) Graduate Certificate in Teaching Program

Date: July 6, 2010
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Administrative Assistant
Approved On: June 18, 2010
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


Original Implementation Date: Spring 2010

Amended Implementation Date: Spring 2017

Catalog Copy

Program: the Graduate Certificate in Teaching (GCT) Elementary Education program is a 27-hour program leading to a North Carolina Teaching License in Grades K-6. The program is Phase I of the two-part Master’s of Arts in teaching Elementary Education Program.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Teaching program.


ELED 5100. Intensive Orientation to Teaching. (6) Major instructional, organizational, management, and assessment approaches within models of teaching. Theories and research about child development and diversity. North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS), state and local assessment programs, teacher accountability, school laws and responsibilities of teachers, teacher evaluations and high stakes accountability, and working with other stakeholders in the education process. Modern day contexts, issues, and problems of schools with reference to educational history and philosophy. Requires extensive clinical experiences.

ELED 5200. Teaching Literacy. (3) Basic methodology in teaching reading and language arts, including the use of children’s literature. Examination of the K-6 literacy curriculum and instructional materials with reference to developmental stages of learning and the impact of diversity in literacy instruction and curriculum integration. Emphasis on basic, effective teaching strategies and organizational patterns expected to be used in the schools. Requires extensive clinical experience.

ELED 5300. Assessing, Modifying, and Integrating Literacy Instruction. (3) Assessment of student learning, evaluation of effectiveness of instruction, and modification of methods and materials for diverse learners. Closer examination of performance expectations by grade level, EOG testing, and effective instruction for struggling learners. Continued expectation for curriculum integration and use of models of teaching as an organizer for understanding instruction, a ssessment, and modifications. Applications of technology in literacy instruction. Design, implementation, and evaluation of literacy lessons and brief literature-focused integrated unit. Requires extensive clinical experience.


EDUC 5100. Diverse Learners. (3) Prerequisite or corequisite: ELED 5101 or MDSK 6162. Strategies for adapting instruction to meet the learning needs of K-12 students, including students at risk for school failure, individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, gifted learners, and special needs populations. 15 hours of clinical experience required.


EDUC 5100. Diverse Learners. (3) Strategies for adapting instruction to meet the learning needs of all members of middle or secondary classrooms, including students at risk for school failure, individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, gifted students, and students with disabilities. Requires 15 hours of clinical experiences. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

ELED 5101. Child Development and Instructional Design for Elementary School Learners. (3) Prerequisite: Admittance into Elementary Education Graduate Certificate in Teaching program. Models of child development and learning theories with application for the design of instruction for elementary education learners. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

READ 5200. Teaching Reading to Primary Level Learners. (3) Prerequisite: ELED 5101. Research, theory, and instructional practice related to the reading process and reading instruction Grades K-2 with a focus on assessment of emergent reading behaviors; language development and reading; phonics and phonemic awareness: balanced literacy; and meeting the needs of diverse learners. Requires 20 hours of clinical experiences. (Fall, Spring)

READ 5300. Teaching Reading to Intermediate Grade Learners. (3) Prerequisite: READ 5200. Research, theory, and instructional practice related to integrating the communication processes in Grades 3-6. Topics include vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, authentic, reading in the content areas, assessment-based instruction, addressing the needs of diverse and struggling readers. Requires 20 hours of clinical experiences. (Fall, Spring)