The request to establish ITCS 3610, 3211, 3212, and 1610

Date: January 18, 2011
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: November 16, 2010
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITCS 1610. Computing Applications Seminar. (3) Prerequisite: MATH 1100, 1103, 1120, or 1242. This is a service-learning seminar course designed to emphasize the social relevance of computing. The course aims to inform non-computing specialists of computing technologies, research, and career opportunities. Seminar topics are intended to enhance disciplinary knowledge and to develop leadership skills related to using computing knowledge and skills in service to society. Emphasis will be placed on the basic concepts of leadership theory and its application within the computing discipline on an individual, group, and societal level. Students will participate in team-based computing service-learning projects in the community, in conjunction with computing majors taking ITCS 3610. Student performance evaluation will consider individual homework assignments, participation in team projects, and class participation. (Spring)

ITCS 3211. Computing Leaders Team Projects. (1) Prerequisite: ITCS 3610 or ITCS 1610. This is a service-learning course that builds upon the leadership concepts from ITCS 3610 through focused hands-on experience with service-learning projects. Students will work in teams to apply computing technologies, knowledge and skills to serve community needs. This course may be repeated for elective credit. (Fall, Spring)

ITCS 3212. Computing Leaders Team Leaders. (1) Prerequisite: ITCS 3610 or ITCS 1610. This is a service-learning course that builds upon the leadership concepts from ITCS 3610 through focused hands-on experience with service-learning projects. This is a companion course to ITCS 3211; students in this course serve as team leaders for the team projects undertaken by students in ITCS 3211. Students will lead teams to apply computing technologies, knowledge, and skills to serve community needs. This course may be repeated for elective credit. (Fall, Spring)

ITCS 3610. Computing Leaders Seminar. (3) Prerequisite: must be a CCI major. This is a service-learning seminar course. Seminar topics are intended to enhance disciplinary knowledge and skills (computing technologies, research, careers) and to develop leadership skills by using computing knowledge and skills in service to society (service and civic engagement). Emphasis will be placed on the basic concepts of leadership theory and its application within the computing discipline on an individual, group, and societal level. Students will participate in team-based computing service-learning projects in the community. Student performance evaluation will consider individual homework assignments, participation in team projects, class participation, and feedback from those served. (Spring)