The request to close the Computer Engineering option of Computer Science BS Degree Program

Date: April 26, 2011
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: March 2, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

(Only the portion of the catalog involving changes through this proposal is shown)

Delete the following sections from the Undergraduate Catalog:


The Computer Engineering Concentration consists of 42-45 hours of computer science, 6 hours of technical electives at 3000 or above, 15 hours of mathematics and statistics, 11 hours of electrical and computer engineering. These include: ITCS 1212, 1212L, 1213, 1213L, 2175, 2214, 2215, 3146, 3181, 3181L, 3183, 3688, 4102, 4141, 4145; an additional ITCS 3xxx/4xxx approved by the advisor; 3-6 hours of ITCS 4155, 4681, 4682, 4990, or 4991 for capstone experience; MATH 1241, 1242, 2164, 2171, STAT 2122; ECGR 2111, 2112, 2155, 2156, 3131. PHIL 1105, ITIS 2211, and ENGL 2116 are also required.

Students must also complete PHYS 2101, 2101L, 2102, 2102L, and 3141, CHEM 1251 and 1251L and ECON 2101.

Suggested Curriculum: B.S. in Computer Science,

Computer Engineering Concentration

First Year

Fall Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 1212 and 1212L 3

MATH 1241 3

CHEM 1251 3

CHEM 1251L 1

ENGL 1101 3

PHIL 1105 3

Spring Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 1213 and 1213L 3

ITCS 2175 3

MATH 1242 3

PHYS 2101 3

PHYS 2101L 1

ENGL 1102 3

Second Year

Fall Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 2214 3

MATH 2164 3

STAT 2122 3

LBST 110x 3

PHYS 2102 3

PHYS 2102L 1

Spring Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 2215 3

MATH 2171 3

ECGR 2111 3

ECGR 2155 1

ENGL 2116 3

ITIS 2211 3

Third Year

Fall Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 3181 and 3181L 3

ITCS 3146 ; 3

ECGR 2112 3

ECGR 2156 1

ECON 2101 3

LBST 2101 3

Spring Semester

Course Credits

ITCS 3688 3

ITCS 4141 3

LBST 2102 3

ECGR 3131 3

PHYS 3141 3