The request to revise the M.Ed. in Elementary Education

Date: May 5, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: April 21, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The Department of Reading and Elementary Education proposed to revise the M.Ed. program in Elementary Education as follows:

  1. Reduce required hours from 39 to 33.
  2. Add five new required courses.
  • ELED 6200 Current Issues in Global and Urban Elementary Schools
  • ELED 6201 Theories of Human Development and Learning in Cultural Contexts
  • ELED 6202 Classroom Management and Leadership for Diverse Learners

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)

  • ELED 6203 Instructional Differentiation for 21st Century Learners

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)

  • ELED 6303 Teacher Inquiry and Data Analysis in the Elementary Classroom

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)

  1. Drop five courses from the plan of study.
  • ELED 6101 Applications of Theories of Human Development and Learning
  • ELED 6111 Critical Issues in Elementary Education
  • ELED 6220 Integrating the Elementary Curriculum
  • ELED 6474 Advanced Practicum in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
  • ELED 6691 A, B, C: Seminars in Professional Leadership
  1. Establish concentrations or emphasis strands in the following add-on licensure areas:
  • Academically/Intellectually Gifted
  • Instructional Systems Technology
  • Special Education
  • Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Elementary Math
  • Other individualized options

Catalog Copy

ELED 6200: Current Issues in Global and Urban Elementary Schools (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Master�s in Elementary Education Program. Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of global, civic, and urban issues that impact local teaching and learning ideals. The course is reading and writing intensive, as candidates are required to reflect on and analyze instruction for diverse learners using a variety of flexible and adaptable instructional methods appropriate for learning in a globalized educational context. (Fall/Summer)

ELED 6201: Theories of Human Development and Learning in Cultural Contexts (3) Prerequisites: Admission to Master�s in Elementary Education Program. This course requires candidates to critically analyze child, adolescent, and cognitive development to determine developmental needs in an effort to design relevant yet rigorous instruction. Candidates are also required to critically examine paradigms and theories of development, conceptual relationships between education and developmental paradigms, the concepts of learning and development, and the roles and responsibilities of school staff for meeting children’s developmental and cultural needs. (Fall/Summer)

ELED 6202: Classroom Management and Leadership for Diverse Learners (3)

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)

ELED 6203 Instructional Differentiation for 21st Century Learners (3)

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)

ELED 6303: Teacher Inquiry and Data Analysis in the Elementary Classroom (3)

(submitted with proposal REEL 3-19-2010 b)