The request to revise the M.Ed. in Child and Family Studies: Early Education

Date: June 17, 2011
To: College of Education
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Program Assistant
Approved On: May 26, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

CHFD 6102. Learning and Development. (3)Prerequisite: Admittance to the M.Ed program. In-depth study of selected theories of learning and development. (Fall, Spring, Summer) (Evenings)

CHFD 6115. Child and Family Advocacy. (3)Prerequisite: CHFD 6102. Study of the principles and practices of child and family advocacy. (On demand)(Spring)

CHFD 6210. Inclusive Education for Young Children. (3). Prerequisite or corequisite: CHFD 6102. Inclusive education provides the opportunity for children with and without developmental disabilities to learn together. Inclusive early childhood curricula and instructional strategies are emphasized as is the professional role of interdisciplinary team member. Legislative mandates for inclusion are studied. (Fall) (Spring)

CHFD 6220. Family Theory and Research. (3)Prerequisite or corequisite: CHFD 6102. Study of family theories and research which employ the contextual framework of the family as a system and which explain family of origin, family functioning, family structure, and family process. Application of theory and research will include an understanding of the various levels of family functioning as a model for developing family support and intervention plans. (Fall)

CHFD 6240. Advanced Studies in Infant and Child Development. (3)Prerequisite: CHFD 6102. An advanced course to extend knowledge of infant and early years development of typically and atypically developing children. Developmental domains of infants and young children and their relationships within family and society will be emphasized. (Fall)

CHFD 6900. Research in Child and Family Studies (Master’s Project/Thesis). (3)Prerequisites: RSCH 6101; completion of at least 24 hours of graduate program. Design, implementation, presentation, and evaluation of an approved applied research project thesis in student’s specialty area. The applied project thesis is of the student’s own design under the supervision of an advisor and graduate committee. Graded pass/No Credit only. (Fall)

CHFD 7600. Seminar: Leadership in Education of Children and Families. (3)Prerequisite: completion of at least 24 18 hours of graduate program. Corequisite: CHFD 7400. A synthesizing course of study focusing on review, compilations, analysis, and evaluation of the literature, research, and experiences relevant to the student’s specialty area. Students will demonstrate leadership by conducting a program evaluation, creating innovative solutions to challenges, and initiating and creating collaboration among persons and across agencies. (Spring)